Chapter 12: Taking it Back

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Olivia held Andrew's Beretta in fear, she did her best to aim at the man who held Andrew in a choke hold. The man that held Andrew was bleeding from his head as he had his own gun pointed at Andrew's head.

"What's your choice 'Olivia'? Work with us to save millions, or keep working with the shitty fucking government? So you can keep following people like him," he said pushing the gun up to Andrew's head where he was now struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Fine, I'll do it," she told him. 

"Good girl," he said dropping Andrew onto the floor, she then took her chance to put lead into the man. The man was gone, he was bleeding out and his operation was gone.

Or so Olivia thought.

She tried to run to Andrew but a force threw her back to a chair that she was strapped to. She felt the pain of a knife carve the scar she now has onto her face, she cried and screamed.

"Now, now Olivia no need to scream, this is just a way to count my allies, it's not like I can put a collar on you," the boss said as he stopped.

"WHO DID I KILL?!" She screamed.

"No one important,"

"He could've had a family," she cried.

"Could of, but now his sacrifice will bring life to others," he told her.

She tried to jump off the chair she was tied to and screamed.

"Olivia!" she heard Isabella yell.

Olivia jumps as she sees the trio look at her. She was laying on a couch with Andrew sitting next to her, Marcus and Isabella took the next couch to let her sleep as they saw how tired she was as they were trying to watch a movie together at the trio's apartment. Did I say it out loud? She thought.

"Are you okay?" Andrew asks.

She nods, "J-just a nightmare,"

"Nightmare?! That was a night terror, you almost made a new bruise for Andrew!" Marcus told her, she blushes in embarrassment.

"I think Imma go home, sorry about ruining the night," she said picking herself up quickly.

"Non, non, stay Olivia, what happened?" Isabella asks her.

"Don't worry about it trust me," she tells them.

"Are you having dreams of that mission?" Andrew asks.

"What mission?"

"The mission," Isabella answers Marcus.


"Sort of," she whispered.

"If it makes you feel any better I still have nightmares about my first encounter with looters," Andrew told her.

"Really?" she asks.

"Yeah, it was something," Andrew said.

"Well don't keep us waiting, what happened Drew?" Marcus asks as the group perks up.

"Olivia you mind if I take the spotlight?" he asks, she nods.

He sighs, "It was before The Division called, I had only a couple month under my belt on my new apartment in New York, I moved out to get closer to my college, one day during autumn break my dad came to visit..."

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