Chapter 14: Explanation

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"How unfortunate is your fate"

Olivia sighed as she clocked out of work after triple checking her patients and their medication. She didn't trust herself at times, especially not now. Olivia made her way to the elevator to get down to the parking lot. She walked alone, she saw someone waiting for her at her car. Shit, she cursed at herself, the gun she stole from Andrew was inside the car. She picked out a pepper spray from her purse.

"No need to be violent, 'Oli', I'm just here to talk," the man said.

"Who are you, what do you want from me?" she asks.

"I come with a message," he walked up to her, "a message from your old boss," he says getting up to her.

"I worked at several part time jobs, you'll have to be specific," she said to him, he pulled out a pocket knife and began to trace her scar with the tip of his knife.

"I think you know which boss I'm talking about," he said watching her breathing get shaky.

"I told him not to contact me," she answered.

"You act as if he listens," he tells her.

"What do you want, what does he want, I don't work for The Division anymore,"

"You don't, but you have someone on the inside," he tells her.

"Inside of what?"

"That GIGN girl, she could get us in some high places," he explains.

"You'll get Isabella over my cold dead body," she threatened.

"Well how about a trade off," Isabella for Melanie," she grabbed his wrist.

"How do you have Melanie, what the FUCK are you two doing here," she asks as she pulls his hand down.

"Let's just say the boss has a proposition for you, Melanie for Isabella, and a good 2 mil?" he told her.

"2 million?! What for?!" she asks.

"Just to start our business back up, we wouldn't need so much if someone didn't fucking backstab us," he told her as he sliced her cheek once again near the first scar.

"A warning, and a welcome back, 'Olivia'," he told her handing her a manila folder, and walking away.

"Don't try to follow me, it'll just make things worse," he told her.


Joseph sat at the table with Andrew and Marcus making small talk with him to keep him around longer.

It was 8:40 pm now and Olivia walked in.

They saw the girl walk through the front door, with the folder in hand and dried blood from her cheek. Marcus and Andrew got up from the booth when they saw Joseph look out to her, he got up from where he was sitting and confronted Olivia. She had tears in her face as she saw Joseph. She saw just how broken the man was by his eyes, she opens the folder and takes out a picture and hands it to him.

It was Melanie, she was alive and well.

She was locked up in a room currently, she wasn't in any bad conditions yet. Andrew saw the date on the picture as it was recent. He caressed Olivia's cheek, as a new scar was upon her, he pulled her into a tight hug.

"Please don't fucking leave again," he told her as she started to bawl and hug back.

The two were given a minute to clean themselves up while Marcus and Andrew walked off to leave the two to speak and grab the emergency aid kit, it was awkward to them to watch this moment between them. Afterward, Olivia led Joseph to sit back down and went down to their base of operations, Andrew and Marcus came back as they waited for the girl. She had a laptop in hand and the folder as well.

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