Vampire AU!

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So I know this sounds super weird but I had this idea that everyone in the Marvel world co-existed with supernaturals unknowingly and Peter was a kid who got turned after he died in his fathers arms. Basically a vampire (Tony) took pity on him and let him live as a vampire along side him.

Sorry for the short essay but yeah, if you want to read on go ahead. If I lost with explaination sorry! But enjoy!

Living in Italy was nice, the people, the language, the sights. It was unfortunate that his mother couldn't go out with them this particular day, she was too busy. Having to laundry, cooking, housekeeping and all those things must be tiring. But aside from that Peter was having a great day. It was just after the World War, the city had taken some damage but mostly remained unscathed. The peace was comforting. He heard his father calling out to him, maybe a bit desperate, but he didn't mind it. He was probably only telling to be careful as he walked along the wall. That was another thing, Peter loved climbing, heights the lot. He was called 'Spider' because he climbed around like one so much. Peter climbed higher and he soon reached the top of the series of walls. He lifted his arms out as the wind blew behind him. Too bad that in doing that he gave the opertunity for the man behind him to push him off. Peter screamed as he fell, no longer finding the rush of wind comforting. He gasped out in pain as of the metal spear posts sliced through his stomach and impaled him. His father rushed over to help him but he was losing blood too quickly. He was dying, he felt it as he slowly lost the abillity to move to do anything. He cpuldn't even scream as the man who had pushed him stabbed his father. He couldn't fight the closing of his eyelids and the slow drifting off to unconciousnous. All he last remembered was black.

Peter didn't expect to wake up. He didn't expect to feel everything intact and ok. But he mostly didn't expect the figure looming over him. "Oh, good. You're awake." Peter didn't know what he said, he was scared and wanted to go home. "Tu chi sei? Dove sono? Cosa stiamo facendo qui?" (I used google translate for this so feel free to correct. Translation: "Who are you? Where am I? What are we doing here?") The man above him just sighed. "C'mon kid, I'll answer all your questions."

So, did you guys like it? If this gets a positive response I'll make a part two or even a whole book centered on it. Have a great day and sorry for the short chapter!

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