Fuck with me, I fuck with you

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So kinda craving the edgy 'imma f u up' Peter so here you go. Peters basically Satan to anyone but his friends and Tony&Pepper&Rhodey and basically everyone who didn't go rouge on the superhero side of things. Pete's Tony's biological child btw.

Peter Parker was, to put it bluntly, terrifying.  Nobody messes with him, even the teachers quake in his presence. His crew was no exception, MJ would kill you with words and wouldn't hesitate to break one of your bones ; if you got on the wrong side of Ned he would hack you in a heartbeat and run your name in the dirt. And while being the son of Tony Stark had it's pro's (those were the majority) there were also cons. Namely having to show the rouges around the compound when they returned.

Peter was beyond furious. Having heard - and experienced - what the rouges did, more specifically Captain Golden Boy, he was at the tipping point but now with the Accords sorted out (he still didn't see the point of letting rouges out of The Raft) they had the nerve to move back in to the compound! He was ready to tear them a new one when they arrived but sticked to lingering in the shadow-filled corner. 

Peter had to fight the urge to smile when he saw Clint and Natasha freeze when they saw him, narrowing their eyes at a possible enemy. The black clad figure walked slowly towards the rouges making sure they saw him. "Welcome back to the Compound, Rouges." His eyes filled with amusement with the mixed reactions on everyone's faces at his final comment. "Who are you?" Captain Golden Boy spoke up. Peter feigned a look of surprise and shock. "I thought you would know already! The compound has experienced some... changes over your little 'holiday' so I'm to show you around." No one seemed to be pleased, they just wanted this kid as far away from them as possible. "Well you all don't have to that pleased. I know I'm amazing but no need to serenade." He smiled, "Let's get on with the tour shall we?"

Bucky wanted out. This kid was, no joke, the most terrifying person he has met and he had been stuck under control by HYDRA for like 70+ years. He couldn't care less about hat he said to people who could kill him in a heartbeat, he mocked Natasha and lived to tell the tale and he still hadn't told them his name! 

The kid was showing them the new equipment in the gym when Sam - the godamn idiot don't interupt the scary kid wtf -  spoke up. "Yo kid, where are your parents? You sure they like you acting like that and hanging around her-" Sam didn't the chance to finish as the kid flew towards him at a speed that couldn't be humanly possible and knocked him to the ground. The malice and pure hatred in his eyes as he looked down on the Falcon was easy to see and as he looked down at the superhero he smiled. "They don't mind." 

Bucky decided that if Sam was going to die he'd at least try to stop it and walked towards the kid. "Hey, uhh..." The kid's attention was now on him and he realised he just royally fucked up : he didn't expect for the kid's face to brighten up and for him to genuinely smile at the super soldier. "I forgot to introduce myself didn't I? I'm Peter nice to meet you Mr Barnes!" The smile almost looked unnatural on the teen's face him wearing all black but the longer he smiled Bucky realised that smile was definitely supposed to be on his face. "Nice to meet you too Peter but I was just wondering if you could get off my friend here.." Peter's face lit up with recognition. "Oh yeah sorry Mr Barnes!" He quickly hopped off the frozen in fear body of Sam. Bucky wasn't bothered Peter only said sorry to him despite the fact he didn't need to, and he wasn't going to ask him to say sorry to Sam, the idiot deserved that much. "Shall we continue with the tour?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the late chapter, I have end of years next week so I've been studing (soz for the fact I can't spell pretty sure I have a mild concussion). This chapter was supposed to be longer but I compremised since I needed to upload a new chapter but if you guys like this I'll post a part 2? Anyway I'll probubly be inactive for next week and the week after that tho I might do a special birthday thing cause mine's coming up? Anyway I hope you guys have a great day!

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