HEROES RISE Arc 1 Part 1

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The heavy sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed into the wide room. He fell to the ground with a resounding thud as he gasped trying to breathe air.

"Get up."

A blur appeared at the corner of his eyes and he hurriedly rolled on the ground and stood up, narrowly dodging the kick sent to his head. Cold sweat dripped from his brow as he realized that with its speed and angle, he would have been lucky if all he got was a concussion.

"You have no time to dilly-dally boy! No enemy will wait around while you catch your breath!"

Once more he moved to the side dodging a heavy fist that narrowly grazed his cheek; the resulting air pressure ruffled his hair.

Once more, he was thrust upon a desperate situation that had his instructor try to kill him with the most interesting moves in his arsenal in the name of training. He was expected to do well and fight back but his instructor was not holding back and was using his quirk: Red Flush, allowing him to over-saturate his body with a highly nutritious substance carried by his blood that increases his overall strength, speed and stamina.


The light chime of metal reminded him of the reason why he was not able to fight back as hard as he should have. Black steel manacles that had short chains were wrapped around his wrists and ankles.

Quirk Inhibitors.

Devices that when attached to a person disrupted their quirk factors from properly functioning by blasting an interfering frequency at close range. He did not know how they got this piece of technology especially since they were exclusively used by the police force.


His instructor roared out in fury before he felt a punishing fist smash his nose in. Such was the strength carried by the punch that he was sent flying to a wall that was 15 meters away. He slammed into it with such force that he felt 4 of his ribs break.

But no sound or cry of pain escaped his mouth.


He was pulled up with a fist clenched with his hair. It stung like no other but his face did not change from its previous dead and blank expression.

"I was tasked with training you boy," he could smell the foul breath as he was brought closer to his instructor's face.

"My boss bought you since he thought he saw potential and a use for you, boy. If I were you, I would do my best not to prove him wrong. The boss does not deal well with disappointment!"

He was thrown on his back and he had to roll away from a stomp as it crushed the concrete where his head once was.


Once more, the vicious cycle of dodge-dodge-get beat up-dodge began once more.

The pains in his body were getting more and more pronounced as time passed. They were getting aggravated by his frantic movement.

He hated this.

He could still remember what life once was before this but it was slowly getting murkier. He could still remember his mother's face but not her reassuring voice. He could still remember his friend's name but not their face. He could remember the good feelings his memories evoked but not the memories themselves--at least not accurately.

But he could still remember his mother being burned alive. He could still remember the smoldering hatred that even now burned cold in his chest that hungered for the blood of his 'father'. He could still remember when he was brought, bruised and bloody, to that forgettable warehouse where he was presented to a crowd like livestock in a market. He remembered how he was bought.

It was burned into his memory.

As he tried to force his beaten up body to fight back, he had to wonder, in the months he had spent in this hell, he had already forgotten a significant portion of his life from before; will he still be able to remember who he was by the time he could escape this place?

Will he still remember who Izuku Midoriya is?

Or will all that remain be DEKU?


Momo Yaoyorozu knew she was blessed.

She was rich, her parents--though frequently busy-- always made time for her and loved her. She lived in a nice house, all her needs and wants were accounted for. She had great beauty and she knew that she would only grow more beautiful as she aged if her mother was anything to go by. She was powerful, blessed with a great quirk that she wanted to use for the good of society.

She knew she was sheltered. She knew that although she was smart enough to have graduated college twice over, she was naive to the ways of the world.

She just wished she didn't have to mingle with her so called 'Peers' in high society in these meaningless parties.

Everything here was all a waste of time in her opinion, but her parents insisted that this was necessary to build connections for the future. She was raised to be perceptive in order to lead the family business when the time comes, and all she can see are masks.

It disgusts her.

All these lies surrounding her, she cannot stand it.

"Your face is getting scary, you know?"

A voice said.

A flute of sparkling cider was held next to her face and following the hand holding the beverage to her, was a young man in a finely tailored charcoal three piece suit with a blue and white striped tie. He had green side swept hair and a familiar emerald gaze. An easy going smile was on his face as he stood by her side; a tinkling sound coming from his left cross-shaped chain earring as he tilted his head to her.

"Your eyes were getting more and more pointed into a glare and you were scaring some of the kids you know? See?"

Taking the drink, she turned her gaze as she saw that indeed, she had scared some of the children. Her cheeks heating up in embarrassment, she turned her head away and tried to hide her pink cheeks by drinking the proffered flute of sparkling cider.

"May I know what has gotten you to think so deeply, Milady?" he asked as he too took a sip from his own glass.

"Nothing," Momo replied. "I was just thinking about some things."

Izuku hummed as his eyes swept around the ballroom. He may be a mere butler, but the sir and madam had tasked him to keep Momo safe and as a butler and her friend, he will make sure she was safe from any and all threats.

Especially from those from the same heirarchy.

Perhaps a lesson was needed?

"How long have we known each other, Momo?"

She raised a brow with his sudden change of address. Izuku calling her by name was a rare occurrence and in the time they had been together, calling her by any other title other than milady or mistress is as rare as the blue moon.

... The time they had been together...

The stray thought caused her to blush, causing her to hide the fact under the act of drinking from her flute.

"Since we were children no doubt," Izuku continued oblivious to the strange thought that went through her head. "We had known each other for so long, so I believe that I can at least tell when something is bothering you."


Truly, she can hide nothing from him.

Momo smiled fondly at him and at his concern. He had been with her for as long as she can remember. He was her confidant, her friend, her mentor, her guide, and when things were rough, he was her pillar. Izuku had always been there for her.

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Too late for that now."

A smirk was on his face as he glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

"It was nothing really." she mused as she kept her gaze forward to the crowd. "I was just lamenting that even though the people here wear no masks, I feel as if we are in a masquerade."

"That is quite a well thought out analogy, milady." Izuku praised. "You have been learning well in your lessons in social analysis."

A masquerade was a good analogy for the party they were currently attending as representatives of Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu. The sir and madam had been unable to attend due to an urgent matter in regards to the company. They had delegated Momo to attend on their behalf.

Momo would have declined but this was a fairly important ball--one sponsored by the Mayor of Musutafu--and as the heiress of one of the largest conglomerates in the world whose headquarters was based in the city, it was her duty to attend.

Though there were no masks and even if this was no masquerade ball, their smiles of pleasant, plated gold hid deceit and hidden agendas pushed by vicious--and sometimes, desperate--greed. They may be men and women dressed in lavish wear but to him, they were all starving wolves in sheep's clothing.

Even if she had gone far with her studies in analysis and politics, Momo felt that she was not ready to be in this environment where desire runs rampant.

"Since the beginning," she whispered. "I have the feeling like this is a den of starving wolves."

These were people who would not be afraid to use her for all that she was worth and throw her away like garbage once they have run out of uses for her.

Momo felt an arm wrap around her waist and instinctively, she leaned her back to his chest. To any other person, such an intimate act would have mistaken them for lovers but to the both of them, this was merely a gesture of comfort. There were no secrets between them, and closeness has never been a question. Such intimacy had been a part of their interaction since their childhood.

"Are you afraid, milady?"

Izuku whispered as he lowered his head; his breath tickling her ear. She flushed red all the way down to her neck as she felt her chest beat erratically.

"I am."

Momo replied, unable to lie even as her servant took her hand and gently lead her to the center of the room together with other people who wished to dance. Her eyes never left his even as people began to take notice of the only daughter of the Yaoyorozu being led by a youth of the same age; one that the other guests did not recognize.

"Then shall I teach you," he asked as he stopped at the center of the dance floor. "How to not be afraid?"

She smiled as he took her hand in his and as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder and neck. Her stomach fluttered when once again she felt him wrap his arm around her waist. She almost giggled when she felt the somewhat possessive hold his hand had on her lower back.

"Yes please," she answered as she pressed herself closer to his space; standing chest to chest and their faces close that they can feel their breath upon their lips. A mischievous smirk appeared on Izuku's face as he noticed the reactions her action had gathered.

He then began to lead her into the dance, keeping his eyes on her own at all times and at the same time keeping his senses sharp for danger.

After all, a butler's duty is never done.

"Tell me, how far along are you in your studies in social politics?" Izuku twirled her to the beat of the music as they freely made use of the available space on the floor.

"Just basic etiquette at the moment." Momo replied as she leaned back into him, swaying to the music.

"Then, are you familiar with the concept of a 'False Face'?"

"A false face?" her eyes questioning as she had never heard that term before.

A sharp change in the music's tempo led to a faster rhythm as they danced to the beat. They never noticed, engrossed as they were with each other's company and discussion, that everyone had already left the center floor and were currently spectating their dance.

"In this den of wolves, the only way to survive is through a show of power," his arms wrapped around her stomach and her back leaned into his chest even as their hands never left the other's grasp; falling once more to the rise and falls of the music.

"In this high society, the only way to do this, is through charisma so captivating that even enemies cannot resist but be charmed and follow you," the image of the world's greatest hero, All Might, flashed through her mind. "Or a presence and influence so great and powerful, that people fear you the most."

A shadow emerged from her memories; a figure that stood out in a dark, unforgettable contrast to the memories of her childhood.


A Will so heavy that she felt it would have crushed her.

A Presence so thick with a promise that she could not breathe.

It was a promise of Defeat to his enemies, of Destruction of all he hates.

Standing against it was another Declaration to all that he would bring under his wing: Victory.

Momo brought herself out of reminiscence as Izuku dipped her; a smooth leg peeked out of the slit of her dress as she put a single step back.

"Currently, you do not have the necessary charisma to be well-respected, nor do you have the presence needed to terrify those surrounding you nor do you have the ability to weave your words like webs to deceive your prey." Izuku continued as he brought her back to her previous position.

She would have felt insulted at his assessment had it not been the truth. Although she was the daughter of an influential family and would one day wield that influence herself, she knew that there were still a lot of things she had to learn.

"Then what should I do?" she asked.

"Smile," he replied with a wide grin on his own face. "While I have no doubt that one day, you will possess undeniable charisma or even an influence greater than your enemies, that is not today. With your intelligence milady, one day you will also be able to weave your own web of deception but that too, is not today."

Her breathing was slightly heavy with exertion and a light flush covered her from head to toe but she could not stop the smile on her face as her servant brought her closer to him with nary a gap between their bodies as the music slowed to a stop.

"That is why you must smile. You cannot charm your enemies, nor can you terrify them or even deceive them at your current level, but you can do one thing: deceive yourself. Smile and hide your opinions your emotions and fool yourself with your most genuine smile; bring yourself closer to your perfected, ideal persona."

The music stopped and there was a beat of silence.

Then, it was shattered with an overwhelming applause. For the guests who had attended this gathering it was easily the most interesting thing that happened tonight. They were showing appreciation for a wonderful display of skill yet the main stars of the night paid no heed to the applause other than a short bow to the other as they left the dance floor.

As she was led towards the other guests by her friend, Momo internalized the lesson imparted to her. Wrapping her arm on his elbow and resting her hand on his forearm, Momo smiled her most genuine smile even when she wanted to shudder in disgust as their eyes leered at her body.

She was dressed in a long, flowing, ankle length, backless red gown with a high slit down its side that exposed her leg and a window at the front that exposed her sizable cleavage. Her hair had been styled into wavy curls that fell like a curtain, covering her exposed back.

Goosebumps broke on her skin and Momo tightened her hold on Izuku's arm even as they began to mingle with the crowd. Momo buried her disgust and unease, displaying a bright smile even as she conversed with the leering men and women; she took comfort in the way that some would randomly begin to sweat unnaturally.

She could always rest easy knowing that her butler would always protect her.

"You cannot charm your enemies, nor can you terrify them or even deceive them at your current level, but you can do one thing: deceive yourself. Smile and hide your opinions your emotions and fool yourself with your most genuine smile."

Relaxing her body against his, she might as well practice her skills now, right? After all, if she did make a mistake, she can always rely on her perfect butler to cover her. As if hearing her thoughts, she could feel the shoulder she was resting her head on minutely shake and she could see faint amusement on his face.

'Well, the night has just begun.'


"That was exhausting," she sighed.

Momo leaned against the balcony railing connected to the party hall facing the garden. It had only been an hour at the most since the dance and the subsequent mingling she was obliged to do and she couldn't help but feel as if she had been running a marathon.

"Good work, milady."

Izuku, as always, was a step behind her.

"Even if this had been your first time doing this, you had done admirably well."

He knew that putting on a false face--even one as amateurish as his mistress's--was always exhausting. Lying to others is easy but to lie to oneself; trying to silence the voice at the back of their head, to deceive your mind even as one kept knowledge of the lie, it is terribly draining. His Lady had done well indeed to last for so long to continue her obligations in events such as these.

"Thank you, Izuku."

Though she did not show it, Momo was terrified when she went to this event. Even though this was not her first time attending an event, one or both of her parents was always there to accompany her. This had been the first time that neither were there.

This was why she was quite grateful that her butler was with her.

His company had been comforting as she traversed the various proposals--both business and personal alike--made by the various guest. She knew that Izuku was also quite wise so his various advice were very much appreciated; the lesson given to her earlier was an excellent example.

Wind blew and she shivered lightly.

'That's right, summer's about to pass. The 3rd year of Middle School is about to start, huh...'

She heard the rustling of cloth before she felt something settle around her shoulders. Momo turned around and saw that Izuku had taken off his jacket and was now standing in just a white shirt and gray waistcoat.

"Aren't you going to get cold?" she asked even as she pulled the coat tighter around her frame.

He chuckled and a teasing glint appeared in his eyes.

"You're not one to talk when your shivering like that."

She said nothing as she savored the warmth and looked towards the garden below them. She felt him lean on the railing beside her so she closed her eyes and entrusted her weight to him as she nuzzled her cheek on his shoulder.

Really now, he was already taller than her. She could still remember when she had been the taller one between the two of them.

She heard him chuckle.

"Sometimes, you act too much like a cat, Your Highness."

It was impressive how she could almost hear the capital letters in the last two words.

It was also quite annoying.

"Is that how you are supposed to talk to your Mistress, Butler?"

"Of course not," there was an offended expression on his face even as wrapped his arms around her to shield her from the evening wind.

"But I'm not just your ordinary butler, am I right?"

... Will you be mine? If you are no one at the moment then that is fine. I will make you into someone. If you are empty, I will make you so full you will burst...

... Why? Why would you do that? I am not something you can own; something you cannot control. You saw what happens to those who try to do so...

.... That's fine, I will accept the consequence. I am not someone who will leave a person like you by yourself. Let misfortune befall me and you will still be mine. If you cannot do anything but take, then I will simply give you myself for you to hold.

... Then, what are you willing to give me to be yours? Will it be your body, your heart...
Your Soul?...

... Everything. My life is now yours just as you are mine...

She blushed.

A memory of their shared past passing through her mind as words were exchanged and promises were made. It was one of her most cherished memories one that she shared only with the man whose arms she was resting in.

Even now almost 5 years later, that memory was still so clear to her. Colors so sharp and noises too clear, it almost seemed as if she were living those memories even now when she got lost in thought.

She coughed into her fist as she tried to chase away the fond memory and to distract herself from the familiar fluttering in her chest.

"Do you ever think of what you want to do in the future?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"I want to stay by Momo's side."

An immediate answer!, she thought with a sweatdrop and a deadpan expression.

"No, I meant a career! A career! Have you ever thought of your career in the future?"

"Why would I do that?"

She would have found the honestly baffled expression on Izuku's face cute if it were not so exasperating. Even so, the seriousness on his mien told her all that she need to know.

My life is now yours just as you are mine...

He would follow wherever she may go. He was her butler and she, his mistress. He was not ordinary and he would never be, but he didn't need to be. As long as he was with her, he would always be who he is: her Izuku.

Come Hell, or High Water.


A small laugh escaped her lips as she faced him; a wide smile on her face. Her arms slipped from his coat and she wrapped them around his waist whilst burying her face in his chest. She breathed deeply and she could recognize the scent as the cologne she had gifted him last month. Momo tried to hide the fact that her face was cherry red. It would have worked had she not felt that her ears were hot too.

"What is it?"

Izuku placed his hands upon her hips as he smiled into her hair. He recognized that his mistress was happy. About what? He didn't know, and perhaps, he didn't need to. Seeing her like this, humming happily into his chest with arms coiled tight around his frame, this was enough for him.

"I want to be a hero," she murmured into his chest softy.

"I know."

"Will you follow me?"

"Is that even a question?"

To Hell and back.

To Death itself and to the life beyond.

Silence spread between the two of them but she did not mind and Momo was sure that Izuku too, did not. It was a comfortable silence, one that the two were familiar with. She was relaxed in his arms with her face to his chest and her ear listening to his heartbeat.

She was safe.

She was home.

"You know..."

Hearing another voice speak, Momo jumped away from Izuku as if she was burned by fire and faced their unexpected visitor. Seeing the flash of pale pink, something she recognized as hair, she could only open and close her mouth soundlessly even as she began to color like a boiled lobster.

"... This is the reason why nobody in our school believe you when you say that you guys are not dating."

Izuku also minutely relaxed his guard as he too, had recognized their guest. He had felt her approaching earlier and had tensed even as he continued to converse with his mistress. Though the majority of his attention had been on Momo, a tiny reserved part of his consciousness which was attuned to tracking the movements and intentions of the people around him was entirely alert and focused on the mysterious visitor.

She was dressed in a thigh length, red violet, pleated dress with a petticoat in a lighter shade underneath. A black leather belt was wrapped around her waist and a ribbon the same color as her petticoat was tied around her delicate neck like a choker. Red violet lady gloves adorned her milk-white arms reaching up until mid-bicep and her delicate feet were encased in short-heeled shoes of the same color.

Strawberry blonde, waist length hair that in the right light was almost pink, were tied into pigtails by white ribbons; swaying to the silent evening breeze. Reddish brown eyes that were usually round, narrowed into an expression that aired irritation, were set on an oval face.

Hijiri Daijoin, was there looking at them with a twitching brow.


Suzuki Yaoyorozu was a man who made himself into what he was today.

He was born to two parents who had been no more than ordinary office workers. He had aspired to be hero back when he was a child but with the emergence of his quirk, he found out that it was not suited to hero work.

His quirk, Metallurgy, was the ability to synthesize metals out of existing metals through the manipulation of their subatomic particles. It was a powerful ability, many had told him, but sadly, it was all he could do. He could not make metals out of other materials, he could not even manipulate its shape; all he could do is change its make-up.

Not unlike a blacksmith making alloys.

Like any other children who found out that he could not be a hero, he was devastated, but now that he looked back, perhaps it was for the best.

Using his smarts, he used what he could and started his own company.

What started out as a mere metal manufacturing company with a single factory manned by only 120 people divided into three shifts, it was now a worldwide conglomerate with over 400,000 employees in his parent company alone. His ability to make alloys that were thought to be merely fantasy and his genius combined to replicate the process without his quirk rocketed him into being one of the richest people in the world. While this had helped him make his fortune, it had also earned him many enemies.

This was the reason why he and his wife were in the Park Hyatt Presidential Suite in New York waiting for their guest. Incidents have been occurring within their subsidiary companies. Employees were getting robbed in the streets, equipments have been malfunctioning, corporate ideas getting stolen; and while these incidents did not have any one evidence connecting them to a single perpetrator, these incidents of corporate sabotage have been too coordinated.

And the worst of these incidents, had been an attempted assassination on his wife.

She had been enjoying a girl's day-out with their daughter in a local mall when a plain dressed assailant tried to kill them with a knife doused in a poison that was assumed to have been his quirk. It had been unexpected and they were lucky that Momo's butler was there to protect them and apprehend the assassin. It had been a quick take down, but unfortunately, Izuku could not stop the man from killing himself with hidden cyanide pill in a fake tooth.

With such a large dose, he had died quickly before paramedics could administer an antidote. With a poison quirk, one would think he would be immune to poisons himself but it was unfortunate that he wasn't.

It was a good thing that the ever-dependable butler was there and saved his wife and daughter and Suzuki had to thank the heavens that Momo was unable to see what had happened since she was in one of the stores and that it was resolved silently.

Suzuki held his body still to fight off the shivers that threatened to break out of his control.

He loved his family.

He loved his wife.

He loved his daughter.

If anything happened to them he did not know what he would do. Leaning down to kiss the top of his wife's head, as she sat with him on the couch, Suzuki resolved himself to do anything to repay another debt he owed their daughter's personal servant.

Maybe, he should marry him to his daughter? After all, it doesn't seem likely that Momo would complain or fancy another person if what he was reading in his daughter was correct.

Rather, wouldn't she be overjoyed?

"What are you mumbling about?"

His wife looked at him with a curious expression.

Hiyori Yaoyorozu, formerly Hiyori Futaba, was a youthful woman who looked very much like their daughter. She had long, straight, black hair as dark as the night sky, sitting above an oval face. Her skin was very much the same milky white color of their daughter. If one were to set them side by side, people would assume that they were sisters with the only difference being the shape of their eyes.

Momo had sharp catlike eyes--which she got from him--while Hiyori was more rounded out.

"I was thinking that maybe I should marry Izuku to Momo," he said bluntly knowing that his wife would get it out of him anyway.

Even after all these years, those puppy eyes seemed to have an even stronger hold on him than in the past.

A snort escaped her lips and her eyes lightened up with humor. Despite the situation that they were facing, he could not help but return it.

"Why, again, haven't we done that already?"

"Because it's a lot more fun to see them dance around the subject?" he replied.

The both of them knew what the teens had with the other. They knew how they both felt for the other. They were very obvious and all those who lived in the same mansion did not know how they were so oblivious.

The manor servants had even started a bet on who was going to confess to who, and when.

"Why are you even thinking of engaging them?" she asked.

It was not that Hiyori was against it; in fact, she would be the first to cheer when, not if, when, the two of her children get together. Izuku had been a part of their family for a long time now and he was her son in all but blood and name; marrying her daughter would just make it official.

"Izuku has done a lot for us, yes?" though it was phrased as a question, it was more of statement of how undeniable it really was. "Ever since he came into our lives, he has done everything that he could for us."

To serve.

To protect.

Izuku had done so, time and again. He had laid his self on the line for each of his family and Suzuki could not help but admire him.

He could still remember that time his lonely daughter had become happy. The smile on her face at that time, would have been worth any price he would pay. For being there for his daughter after THAT incident, he would forever be in Izuku's debt.

He was the only person he trusted with his most precious treasure's safety. This is why he could rest easy leaving his daughter back in Japan even when there had been an assassination attempt on his family.

Izuku was there.

That is the only thing he needs to hear to feel secure.

Knock knock



The sound of rapping on wood snapped him out of introspection. The sound came again and this time, he recognized the sequence of the knocks. He looked to his wife and saw that she too, recognized it.

Hiyori stood from her position on the couch and went to their shared bedroom. As he heard the sound of a lock latch into place, Suzuki stood up and approached the door. The sequence had only been repeated three times so there were no sounds coming from the door.

Looking through the peephole, he saw that it was a man with a black baseball cap in a simple blue hoodie and white pants. A white surgical mask was on his lower face while his eyes were covered by a visor with displaying emotive digital cartoon eyes. They must have noticed his presence behind the door since the visor's eyes changed shape into an upside down 'U' and held up a simple white handkerchief.

It was a square white cloth with vines of golden thread embroidered upon the edges. There, on the lower right corner was a stylized 'Y' in a Celtic knot made of a woven metal that only he himself could produce.

It was a metal that made a subtle bluish-silver glow.

It was a metal he named after another rare metal with the same properties; one he had taken inspiration from a comic series from the pre-quirk era.

It was a metal that was highly sought after all over the world due to its variety of purpose and rarity; his company can only create an extremely limited amount of two tons of the material if they were made without the use of his quirk.

It was the metal that started it all: his fortune, his fame, his life.


Seeing the handkerchief, Suzuki opened the door and ushered the man in. He had then lead him to the sitting room and offered for the other man to take a seat while he did so himself, but they declined.

Fixing his posture into one he is more comfortable with he studied the man before him with an intense golden gaze. He brushed a stray silver strand back into his slicked back hairstyle as he noted the man's posture.

His feet stood shoulder width apart and there were some tension in his legs with most of his weight on the ball of his feet indicating that he was ready for action. Though that was the case, he remained relaxed enough to indicate that he was in no danger.

There was a slight hunch on his shoulders and his arms were held to his sides looking somewhat lazy and laidback but his sharp eyes saw that his hands never seemed to stray from the pouches strapped to his legs even as he seemingly fidgeted.

All in all, he looked like a man that could not care about what he was doing but his eyes, used to discerning intentions and weaknesses from other competitors or politicians, could see underneath that.

This was a man who was ready; whether to run or to fight.

"Tell me your name and rank."

Suzuki's voice came out sharp and concise.

It was different from the soft, gentle tone he used when he was talking with his wife. If one were to compare Suzuki from before to the Suzuki right now, they would be able to see that when previously he was relaxed and concerned, he was now projecting an intense sense of authority.

The man stiffened at the tone and snapped into a sharp salute.

"Lt. 2nd class, Rito Yamada, reporting Sir!"

Gone was the lazy impression and what replaced it was the image of a capable soldier. The visor's digital eyes changed once more into one that was supposed to indicated seriousness but, in the privacy of Suzuki's mind, it looked pretty ridiculous due to its cartoon-ish appearance.

Suzuki waved a hand indicating that he could relax, but Rito remained straight-postured and kept his hands to his back. This was exactly the picture of a young soldier standing before his superior officer. To Suzuki who had never attended the military, this was an unfamiliar and awkward situation.

To Hiyori who had been peeking through a gap from the door, she found it humorous how awkward her husband was.

"What did you find out?"

Rito gained a grim expression--as grim as a cartoon visor can be--as he seemed to tense out of anger.

"You were right, sir. It was all connected."

That merely confirmed all Suzuki's suspicions. He had done his own investigation but it was not as extensive as it could be. That is why he had enlisted help from others.

During the early years of the Yaoyorozu Zaibatsu, it was under constant attack from other rival companies; whether they be through company espionage, or sabotage. It was during this time that Suzuki established an 'In-House' security.

BlackWatch Private Security.

What had once started as a company security group had then grown into one of the country's biggest Private Military Contractors.

With the rise of quirks and the rapid demilitarization of each country following the rapid inflation of quirked individuals to prevent the use of superpowers for war, most countries rely on local PMC's to defend their country of origin.

Rito was a member of BlackWatch's Intelligence Division; a rising star within the whole company of Military Contractors.

His quirk's name was Search Engine. It was one of the few technopathic abilities in the world. With this ability, he was able to interface with the internet and virtually search for anything he wanted to know; no matter the information needed nor how many defenses were placed in cyberspace, his quirk made it possible to retrieve information even from information terminals not connected to the grid.

For such a powerful ability, it was too bad that he could only use it for an hour. If he were to go over that time limit, his consciousness would be disconnected from his body and there would be a chance that he would become lost in cyberspace.

Something that he never wanted to experience.

He had been assigned with the mission to investigate the recent bout of corporate sabotage in the Yaoyorozu Zaibatsu but with the attempted assassination of the Head's wife and daughter, his mission had been upgraded to find out any and all threats to Suzuki's company and family.

"... Who...?"

Suzuki's question was a whisper of the wind. It was so soft to the ear but Rito Yamada could feel the overwhelming amount of bloodlust from the man before him.

"... Who needs to die...?"

Rage festered under his skin, burning in a way fire could not. Suzuki knew anger. He knew of the burning flames of passion and emotion that anger caused. He knew of the irrational actions one can do with anger.

But this...?

This feeling burned much like fire but it was cold. Cold and sharp like the edge of a katana. This ice creeping in his veins brought forth a clarity of the mind as his thoughts churned much like a storm.



It was at this moment Suzuki knew, that ice burns just as well as fire could with a sharp agony that he fully intends to visit upon his target. He felt his wife, his Hiyori, place a hand upon his shoulder but the gesture could not calm him down--no, that was wrong. He could not calm down since he was calm.

This was for Revenge.

This feeling, he knew now, was WRATH.


The sound of swallowing echoed in the now silent room and Rito could not help but feel more nervous. The chilling feeling in the air, he felt, would cut him in half and it was all coming from the man in front who, he could recall, was mild-mannered and kind.

Quickly, he brought out an information terminal from his pocket and displayed to them all the information that he had gathered.

A holographic screen showed the result of his investigation. It showed the evidence he had gathered: plans that were made, events that were arranged to discredit the conglomerate--often at the extent of the company employees.

"Sir, there is something else."

Cold, golden catlike eyes looked up from the floating holographic screens piercing through his visor and into his non-functional eyes.

"What is it?"

Suzuki asked.

"W-while I was searching for information sir, I was able to intercept a call from our perpetrator about another plan that they were planning to execute."

Suzuki hummed even as his mind thought a million miles per hour.

"Where are they planning to strike and who are they going after?"

Now, this, Rito knew was a very sensitive topic. He knew, of course, the Who-What-When-Why-How of the entire thing as he had listened in to the conversation through a nearby computer with a microphone. There was no doubt that he wanted to report all these to his employer but he did not know how Suzuki Yaoyorozu would react to the news that his daughter was going to be kidnapped.

And if he was correct with the context of the entire conversation, he didn't want to see what his Boss would do.


Suzuki asked with a hint of irritation when the younger man did not answer. A sweating expression--would it be correct to refer to it as an 'emoji', Hiyori thought--appeared on Rito's visor as he contemplated how to answer.

"Th-they are going to J-japan, sir" a heavy gulp followed and with a voice so soft that it could have been a whisper continued: "They are going after the Young Miss tonight."

There was a heavy, tense silence in the room before--in what seemed to be great relief--Suzuki and Hiyori sunk into the couch.

"Oh, is that all?"


Rito was shocked with the nonchalance displayed by the two Yaoyorozu. Their daughter was in danger so why do they look so calm!?

Hiyori saw the slightly disappointed and questioning look in their young guest's eyes and decided to clarify the relief they felt.

"There is nothing to worry about Rito-san," she said.

"While normally we would also be worried, our daughter is very capable."

Complete confidence was evident in the proud mother. She knew the amount of hard work Momo had put in to make her quirk viable for hero work.

The hours spent on chemistry textbooks.

The sweat, tears and blood spilt as she trained her self to the ground; all in order to master her different martial arts.

The days spent trying to better herself--to be a better Hero, a better person.

Momo may be her father's joy, but to Hiyori... she was her pride.

Rito could see the fierce emotion radiating from the woman. She was so confident that even he could have been convinced. Rito was a soldier though; confidence was good but certainty was better.

"B-but," he stuttered. "We could at the very least  have some your Contractors guard your daughter for you, Ma'am. Wouldn't that be safer for her?"

"Let us just do what we can, 2nd Lt. Yamada,"

Suzuki piped in even as his eyes didn't leave the holographic displays, combing through the data present.

"We have all that we need here to destroy our enemies and we should be concentrating on that."

He locked his eyes with Rito's and saw that although the soldier had agreed, there was still some reluctance in his  eyes.

Seeing such worry and concern for a member of his family from someone who was supposed to be a stranger, Suzuki couldn't help but soften up from his intimidating demeanor.

What he didn't know was that the Yaoyorozu family were very popular with their employees. Their workers know them to be good people and down to earth even with their extreme wealth. The Yaoyorozus took such good care of their employees that they were treated as if they were and extended family that they could not help but think of their employers as such too.

"Their is no need to worry about Momo. I can assure you that she is already protected."

Suzuki then smirked at Rito as if sharing a very humorous secret.

"In fact, she may be the most protected out of all of us."

Hiyori brought her hand to her lips as she giggled daintily.

"After all, she has one Hell of a butler."

Poor 2nd Lt. Rito Yamada, he could only remained confused.

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