Heroes Rise pt. 3

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Giran knew he was a greedy man. His greed was so great that even with the wealth he already had, he was still unsatisfied.

It was this greed that led him to the path of crime.

He had once started as any other ordinary, aspiring business man. His wits and greed, drove him to be the best at his field as he could be which led to his success. Giran was known as a rising star in the business world in his youth as he had acquired and successfully led several chains, but...

It wasn't enough.

His greed demanded more.

He demanded more.

More gold, more wealth, more jewels, more diamonds, more reds, more blues, more greens, more yellows, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more!

He felt like he was going insane!

His greed knew no bounds. The more he obtained to feed his greed, the more his greed demanded leading to a spiral that he could not escape from.

He tried to acquire more businesses. He tried to lead them better; to get more profits...

It wasn't enough.

Giran wasn't satisfied with how much he began to make with his business chains. He felt as if they were not coming in fast enough. He felt as if those he owned were not enough. It was this feeling that led him to the Criminal Underbelly of Society.

It were simple requests at first like the acquisition of certain materials that his clients could not get without raising a lot of questions. Then came the demand for information on certain people, places, events; anything and everything that he could get his hands on. After that were requests for the acquisition of rarer materials; some of them legal, some of them very illegal.

Giran couldn't believe his eyes with the amount of money that kept coming in.

Crime doesn't pay, my ass, he once thought.

With the amount of money that came in both from his legal businesses and underworld contracts he felt that for once, maybe his greed could be satisfied. It was with this thought that he completed his contracts and earned his way to infamy.

As his illegal business empire grew, rumours of him began to spread. They said that if one had enough money, Giran was the man who could get you anything.

He loved those rumours. It gave him a big reputation among the other denizens of the shadows of society and it brought him more clientele to do business with. He reveled in those rumours as they granted him more wealth.

... It was also these rumours that led these monsters to him.

... Dust floated slowly-gently-on to the ground as wide, crazed eyes stared into his own pair...

... "Party with me, or this is what will happen to your Avatar."...

"Ne~, what's the update on our side-quest?"

Pale blue, shoulder length hair shifted as he leaned back on the couch.

Giran lightly tugged at his white collar as a sweat slightly built up on his skin.

"It, is going well,"

He mentally cursed at the hitch in his voice when he spoke. He could already feel the amused smirk directed at him and that did not fill him with anything other than trepidation.

"The acquisition of the sample has been done. As we speak, it is being delivered to the extraction point to move it to one of our labs."

Giran's face was carefully schooled into a mask of an arrogant smirk and half-lidded eyes. He did his best to hide the fear that was in his heart. Projecting a confident front, he looked into the eyes of his recent employer trying-and most likely failing, if the increased amusement is any evidence-to show that he was not afraid as he gave his response.

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