Chapter 11

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Lydia awoke to daylight, although the throbbing that began in her head at the sliver of light she allowed to pass her eyelids made her wish she hadn't. She squeezed her eyes closed and let out a moan, one hand going involuntarily to her head in a vain attempt to quiet the pounding. Her hand met cloth, which puzzled her until some cautious exploration with her fingers told her that she must have some sort of bandage tied around her temples.

"Lydia?" That was Anna, her voice full of worry. Lydia could tell she was trying to be quiet, but the soft inquiry still made her wince as her head rang. 

"What happened?" she whispered.

Anna lowered her voice to match. "Thomas and William found you on the kitchen floor when they returned from shutting up the chickens," she said. "We've all been so worried - that's a nasty bump you have on your head."

Lydia nodded, and immediately wished she hadn't. She took a moment to still her swimming head before saying carefully, "I must have slipped."

Anna was silent for a moment, and Lydia feared that she wouldn't accept that explanation. She even braved another peek out through her eyelids, but the light stabbed at her eyes and she closed them again before she could do more than find Anna on a stool beside the bed. 

"Are you hungry?"

"No," Lydia said, more emphatically. In fact, the very thought made her feel queasy. She swallowed thickly and took some deep breaths. She was not going to be sick. In an attempt to change the subject she asked, "How is Father?"

"Don't you trouble yourself about Father," Anna said, "he is recovering nicely, even without your tea."

"You would say that whether he was or not, just to keep me in bed." 

Anna was silent again and Lydia mentally berated the backs of her eyelids for refusing to cooperate. How she wished she knew what Anna was thinking! When she finally spoke, all she said was, "Rest now. I'll bring something up later for you to eat."

Lydia was only too happy to comply, and although she drifted in and out without achieving real sleep, it was so restful to lie still and there was extra comfort in a bed that, for once, didn't have Clara in it. Eventually her stomach began to make its emptiness known, and she dared to open her eyes and found that the light wasn't really so terrible, after all. 

Anna came in with a tray and smiled to see her with her eyes open. "I see my timing is better than I expected. Are you hungry now?"

Lydia nodded slowly, pleased that she could without too much pain, and Anna set the tray down on the bed.

"It's not as good as your cooking, I'm afraid, but we just have to make do as best we can."

Lydia started in on the porridge and found that Anna had not been exaggerating. It was sticky and its lumps had lumps, but it was filling, and in her hunger she emptied the bowl. Afterward there was a juicy plum, which she very much enjoyed, but before she could finish it her hand began to tremble and droop of its own accord, and she nearly dropped it. 

Anna took it from her hand deftly and collected the tray. "Time to rest again," she said. "I'll check in on you again later." 

Lydia would have replied, but the bed was suddenly so incredibly comfortable that her head nodded and her eyes closed and she tumbled down into a real sleep at last, and she was grateful. 

She was surprised to see around her the dream gardens once again. That's right, she thought. I haven't had energy to miss them but if truth be told, I did. It only took her a moment to realize that something was different from her prior visits, though. Twilight lay heavily on the garden and a strong wind blew, ruffling the leaves of the trees until they sounded like waves on the sea. Lydia shivered, for it was chilly, and began walking in the hopes of finding some shelter.  

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