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I am incredibly and sincerely sorry that me and sophia weren't able to update last week. I didn't realise how tiring the damn activities were... At least I am here now. I am half asleep because I just woke up from my slumber. I can't even see straight so I am cunting like 60 % on the autocorrect. I also have to do my homework at Romanian language and literature and maths. I am so not ready for that. I have a test at history on Thursday and i did not study one bit. I hope it's easy. I will study tomorrow night and the morning before going to school. Thankfully, i will be seated in the second-last desk that day; BLESS THE LORD I can cheat on that test. But idk if I readly have to do so. Meh, I'll see. Until then, I'll just study. I'll go do my homework now so i can go back to sleep. Love y'all💙💙💜💜

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