What a lovely day

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I just published the 2nd part of this book yesterday and i already fell in love with writing. It's like i can express my feelings in a secret, quiet way and no one will know what i truly feel. That is what i like. An author's feelings are most likely what the storyline is based on : the action, tje characters, even the place and time of the book. I know what i just said doesn't really make sense, but let's take today as a day of spoken  nonsense.

I just wanted to take a moment for myself and just type away my worries. I know most of the people who will read this (if they read it at all) are most likely going to make fun of me.

I've never been good with my words, since I've always been a very shy kid. While growing up i was told that it is extremely impolite speaking unless spoken to directly, so i never really spoke. I was always found reading a book or watching a cartoon in deathly silece. You could only hear the clock tick away in peace.

I enjoy the small things in life. Like the clock ticking, my favourite music box playing or even the quiet pitter-patter of the rain on a sad day. Those things calm down the monsters and demons inside of me. At least for a short while.

Most people can tell my feelings while looking into my eyes. No, my eyes don't change their color depending on what i feel, and no, they aren't a beautiful, neverseen color. They are brown. Deep, dark brown, almost black. The people tell me that even tho my face is as blank as a piece of white A4 printer paper, the small specs of light in my eyes dance a certain way. I knew that. Those specs of light, the fireflies in my eyes aren't some fairies that dance happily while farting glitter and puking rainbows, they are tears. Tears threatening to spill out of my eyes, tears i cannot handle. Who knows, mayne this new passion will cure me of this persistent sadness.

We are going to have to wait for that.

Anyways, sad stuff aside, i was thinking about making a "quote book" in which i will post a quote daily. Please tell me what you thing.

Sadly, i have to leave now, nut before i leave, don't forget what other types of books i should write. Horror, comedy , science fiction, anything. That choice is up to you.

I have to leave, but i will try to post another Yuuri!!on Ice one-shot this evening.
As always, goodbye my dear reader(s), see you soon💝

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