Do You Bite Your Thumb At Me, Sir?

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This one has multiple parts. I found it on Tumblr, and it was published by @/marty-mccutie. This is by far my favorite Marty McFly imagine. Enjoy!

You and Marty had been rivals ever since he had stolen your juicebox in the first grade. Maybe you could have forgiven him for that, but things just escalated from there until neither of you wanted to apologize for what you had done. A stolen half-sandwich. Knocked books out of hands. A tattle-tailing of someone cheating on their test. A shove on the soccer field. An 'accidental' spill of Pepsi on one's favorite pair of white Nike shoes. A very loud declaration that the other was head-over-heels in love with one Dave McFly. Another very loud declaration that the other was a motherf**ker for saying so.

It took years for Marty to get the irony in that one.

The fact that you and Marty lived three houses down from each other made everything worse. But one day high school rolled around and things sort of ... mellowed out. Well, you two still glared at each other whenever you passed by each other, but at least no one was unscrewing the wheels off of the other's skateboard for getting them detention because they 'made' them swear in front of a classroom full of eighth graders.

Things changed when you two entered your senior year of high school. You and Marty just sort of ignored each other. When you happened to be in the same class, you were mostly civil and just refrained from talking. Marty thought maybe it was because you two were finally maturing. (Doc actually laughed when he suggested this.) But you knew it had more to do with the girl Marty started dating the summer before eleventh grade. You had tried to keep up with the glares and the eye-rolls and the scoffs throughout that school year, but Marty had been too preoccupied with being with Jennifer to notice or care.

You tried to pretend that the awful feeling in your gut wasn't because you actually missed hating Marty McFly.

But Marty had basically forgotten about you and your little rivalry come the second half of senior year, and it wasn't because of Jennifer. When you travel back in time, then forwards in time, then even farther back in time again (not to mention fixing the alternate universe to make it normal again), you kind of get the volume turned down on everything else.

Of course, with Doc in the past with Clara and their boys, Marty was forced to stop living in the past (pun intended). He had to deal with the now. And the now sucked. Well, Monday morning sucked.

Marty spent the weekend gently breaking the news to Jennifer that he didn't want to be with her anymore. Although he tried to explain how he didn't think they were right for each other and that it didn't matter what they saw in the future because now the "future is what they make of it", and even though Jennifer took it fairly well (meaning she didn't throw anything at him), he knew that he couldn't have avoided hurting her. He felt like shit for the rest of the day and all of Sunday. Monday morning was just the cherry on top of a shit pile that just kept getting bigger and oddly resembled the one that the various incarnations of Biff had crashed into. He couldn't believe that on today of all days he was late, and there was no Jennifer to help him sneak into class and avoid receiving yet another tardy from Strickland.

He was halfway to class when he heard a classroom door open and he froze, anticipating an exasperated yell of "McFly!" When there was none, he turned around to see a student walking out of the classroom with a hallway pass in her hand. It took him two seconds to figure out that he was checking her out. It took him five to realize it was Y/N. He hadn't really noticed you since the tenth grade. You had changed a little. You seemed more grown-up. (Which is Marty's way of compensating for the fact that his childhood rival got hot.)

Marty's face flushed slightly as you walked down the hall towards him. It was unlikely to see Marty without Jennifer these days. You risked a curt "McFly" as you passed and he replied with a bit of a stunned "Y/N".

"McFly?" questioned a stern voice. You heard Marty groan. "McFly! There you are. Late again, I see."

You tried to fight against the urge to turn around and watch the show, but you failed. (Not like you were trying all that hard in the first place, though.)

Strickland was handing Marty a slip of paper when he noticed you standing in the hallway. "Miss Y/L/N! Do you have a hall pass?" His voice sounded less critical as he spoke to you. Mr Strickland had a fondness for you that he obviously did not have for Marty. You were not a slacker.

You nodded and held it up. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Can I expect to see you in the school's play this year, Miss Y/L/N?" he asked. You shot Marty a smug look as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, of course, sir." You walked closer to the two of them. "I'll be playing Juliet."

"Oh? And who is playing Romeo?"

"No one yet. We're still looking," you responded. Suddenly Strickland got this conniving look like he'd just had the most wonderful idea. It made Marty sick.

"Mr McFly," he began, "you've had far too many tardies to let it go unpunished. Perhaps if you apply yourself-"

"Apply myself?" Marty repeated. He had a bad feeling about this.

"Yes, apply yourself. I've decided your punishment should be for you to participate in a school production, and not while playing your awful music."

"Which means what exactly?" he asked. You pleaded that this wasn't going the way it seemed it was going. Strickland turned to face you.

"Miss Y/L/N, I believe I've found your Romeo."

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