Do You Bite Your Thumb At Me, Sir?

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You and Marty were avoiding each other. The kiss, which you and Marty swore head-to-toe to anybody who asked was just a stage kiss, was bringing up feelings that the two of you had never quite addressed before. You had never felt the need. You were childhood rivals; what more was there to talk about? You snapped at each other and made each other feel miserable. Simple. The definition of the word 'rival'. But that definition definitely did not include any topics that had anything to do with kissing. Relationships did not start this way, and for good reason.

Granted, in the version of 2015 that Marty had visited, he had caught glimpses of some of the TV shows and movies produced there, and a lot of them seemed to have a similar theme: Enemies turned lovers. But this wasn't 2015. This was 1985. In 1985, enemies were enemies, and lovers were lovers. None of this crossing-lines bullshit. No confusion.

Unfortunately, real life isn't like the movies. (Well, 1985 movies.)

The two of you were just as confused as ever. Which was causing the play to suffer, as neither of you showed up for the next rehearsal. Actually, that's a lie. You showed up an hour early, then left before it started, feigning some kind of sickness or stomach ache or other. Marty showed up an hour late, then, apologising profusely for 'getting the times wrong', promptly left.

After you left rehearsal, you spent the night groaning and fussing over the recent events. How did this kiss suddenly change everything? You thought you hated him. You were under the impression that the very thought of Marty McFly filled you with a sense of loathing. But now . . .

Now the thought of him gave you butterflies; and that pissed you the hell off. Who did he think he was, being such a good kisser? It wasn't fair. It was his fault that you were suddenly having . . . feelings!


Marty was having similar problems. After he purposely showed up late to rehearsal and then went back home, he also spent the night groaning and fussing over the recent events. He wished Doc was here. Maybe he could tell him what to do.

Did he like Y/N? It was something he had never considered before. For the longest time he was stuck in the rival between himself and his neighbour. Sometimes he couldn't even remember how the whole thing started (and it was times such as those that he wondered why he and Y/N were rivals in the first place. . .). But he knew that until yesterday he was under the impression that Y/N hated him. But then she kissed him. . .

. . .and he kissed her back. He liked it. A lot. Marty sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, having no idea what to do. He had just gotten out of a relationship; was he really ready to jump back into another one?

The ringing of the house phone startled him out of his thoughts. He grabbed the phone, pressed 'Talk', then held it to his ear.

"Yeah?" he answered. The person on the other side -a woman, Marty gathered- harrumphed at the sound of his improper phone etiquette.

"Is this Martin McFly?"

"Uh . . . yeah . . ."

"Mr McFly, this is Mrs Brown."

"Ah, oh, alright."

"The drama teacher, Mr McFly."

"Yeah, uh, right. Of course."

She harrumphed again. "I only called to inquire if you and Miss Y/L/N were going to make an appearance at rehearsal tomorrow, or are you planning to be late again, Mr McFly?"

"O-oh, well, I-"

"If you would be so kind as to listen well to my next words, Mr McFly, perhaps it shall give me some peace for the night. This play is very important to me, and to many other students. I believed this play was also important to Miss Y/L/N, until tonight's rehearsal, when she arrived an hour early, and then departed before we could begin."

"Aha, you see, I-"

"Mr McFly, I suggest you and Miss Y/L/N figure out whatever it is that is going on with you, and quickly, so we may all continue working on this play. Does that sound fair, Mr McFly?"

"Uh, y-yeah, I guess. . ."

"Good! Now, if you may excuse me, I will bid you goodnight."


The drama teacher hung up on Marty and he put the phone down, a puzzled expression on his face. Maybe she was right. Maybe it was time that Marty figured out what his feelings were for you, and what your feelings were for him.

I'm so inactive sorry

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