I'm Stupid (Not art) (Shitpost)

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Me- {Looks at one of those tall recycling bins that are on wheels.}
Me- {Thinks about what it would act like if it was an object character.}

Me- "Oh yeah I'll try and catch up with everything I've missed out on by submitting a thingy."
Me- {Submits only one.}
Publisher- {Puts out another chapter.}
Me- "Ah well yeah I'm too shy to keep asking things I feel like I'd bug you as well so ha h I won't ask you stuff anymore."

Me- "Hmh, SOME people like Yet Another Gameshow, right?"
Me- "I mean, I know I do."
Me- "Tumblr has almost no posts about YAG tho."
Me- {Makes an Ask 1950's Globey Ask blog ON TUMBLR just to be safe.}

Me- "Knowing there is something out in the world called a 'Strangelet' makes me ten times happier."

Me- "But DO my s/o's actually like me?"
Me- " "
Me- "I hope."

Me- "I bet everybody had a rad time in fourth period today. The one period I couldn't attend."

Me- "Don't be like me."

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