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(this is a real shit sprite edit but oh wwell)
riko (my young sister) and I were discussin some stuff earlier, and I had a thought... and, here that thought is
okay, so, a wworld wwhere the dancestors act as parents; like.. human parents they take care of their ancestors hands on ‚n stuff? like kids? yeah
eridan livves in a terrible condition with cronus and he doesn' really like the livvin space wwith him; it makes eridan upset and uncomfortable
and one day, meenah jus'.. comes ovver let's herself right into their home and is absolutely disgusted wwith it she talks to eridan and has a fight wwith cronus before she leavves
a little wwhile later, and cronus and eridan are out for some.. ‚quality family time' cronus starts doing terrible shit, and eridan's havin none of it, 'kay?
he curses under his breath, and then notices meenah and feferi from afar and wwhen cronus isn't lookin, eridan bolts it towwards the twwo
meenah's ovver there introducin fef to someone, and of course, eridan has jus' waltzed ovver meenah notices eridan's sudden appearance, and she looks ovver at cronus, wwho's still doin stupid shit, and she introduces eridan as her son and claimin he wwent off to do somethin and that he came back a little late. she pinches him on the cheek as a joke to make it seem more convvincin, and she scolds him falsely as they leavve as wwell, again, to make him seem more like her son
meenah brings eridan to her home, and jus' totally wwelcomes him and tells him that he don' havve to stay with cronus anymore if he didn't wwanna
he wwas totally okay wwith stayin wwith the peixes, so meenah gave him some pisces swweaters and managed to get him a cloak like the one he had, but fuchsia, along wwith replacin his shoes and scarf for things more appropriate as wwell
it took eridan a wwhile to get used to bein called ‚brother' or some other nickname by feferi, bein referred to as ‚eridan peixes', and bein inna household wwithout some crazy-ass.. wwhat he considered a drug-addict, but he managed, and livved real happily wwith meenah and feferi
... so there's that i spent a long time thinkin about this, i dunno wwhy, but i did i jus' find it super swweet i suppose? that it's jus'.. really nice? i really dunno
part of my fuel for this might'vve also been from the fact that i absolutely despise of cronus, and if like.. the trolls did actually livve wwith their dancestors.. that eridan would pro'ly be in a terrible condition.. and i lovve eridan and couldn't let that slide
so.. yeah, I guess.. havve this thing that i spent time thinkin about
EDIT: i decided that fef also gavve him a little bit of a makeovver a wwhile afterwwards.. just more loose-fittin clothin, and more jewelry-like accessories so he looked more like her
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she gavve him his scarf back, though, and he kept his hair purple, still claimin it ‚matched his outfit'