Remember Me?

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~*~*~Jeff's POV~*~*~

        "Jeffery, I need you to go hunt and get some kidneys for Jack. He's caught the flew." 

        "Slendy, why do I always have to do it? Get BEN or L.J. to do it!" I yelled in annoyance.

        "Because you never know what they'd do to it once they got a hold of the kidneys so do as I say. And DO NOT call me Slendy! Only Sally can call me that..." He whispered the last part so I wouldn't hear it but I did, anyways.

        "Well then DO NOT call me Jeffery! And what if I don't want to get them, huh?" That earned a slap with his weird tentacle tendril thingy...whatever that is...

        "Ow! What the hell man?!" I yelled gripping my beautiful face. He really knows how to push my buttons. "If you EVER raise your voice at me again, I will ground you from killing for a MONTH! Now do as I say before I make it a year!" Great now he's pissed. And who does he think he is trying to ground me? My mother? Oh that's right, I KILLED her four years ago! HAHA. Okay, but back to business. "What's in it for me?" Slendy's "face" hardened and... wait, did he always have a mouth? "HoW aBoUt ThIs? If YoU rEtRiEvE tHeM, I'lL mAkE JaNe SlEeP iN SmIlE's DoG hOuSe OuTsIdE fOr A wEeK?" his voice came out all distorted and staticy.

        "I hate you, you know that..."  I growled.

        "Yes, I am aware. Now have we a deal or not?"

        "FINE! I'll get the stupid kidneys." He did have a good deal in store after all and who would want to pass up the moment where Jane has to sleep outside in the cold?

~*~*Time Skip brought to you by Slendy's mysterious mouth*~*~

        I was walking in the forest when I heard somebody singing. Wow, that was easy finding a target. All I have to do is locate the source and BAM I get to see Jane freeze. I started to walk north of where I was standing until I stopped at a large red oak tree. 'Is that where they are? Damn they can climb.' I thought to myself in amazement while giving the tree a good kick. The singing had stopped a few minutes ago so now it was up to my senses to find them. I started to climb the tree when I heard yelling.

        "No! I can't go back to that! I'm stronger now... and I promised mama and papa I wouldn't. But they're not here anymore so it's alright now. Right?"  A young girls voice filled my ears.

        Wait, I know that voice from somewhere. 'This can't be her can it? Oh this is just to EASY!'

I started to climb faster and faster. 'I can't believe that she is in the woods! She is just begging to go to sleep.'

        "It was my fault that we lost them. If only I was ready on time, we wouldn't have been caught in the cross fire." she sounded like she was crying... this is just to good to be true! "They. Would. Still. Be. Here. If. I. Wasn't. So. Selfish!" Just what is she doing? 

Once I got onto a branch nearby her, I grabbed a hold of the branch almost directly above me and climbed until I got a good view of the clearing nearby. I looked down at her to see her wrist bleeding. Then I thought of something. 'She didn't just do that. Did she? Oh well, she just made it easier for me to kill her~' I started to chuckle at the thought of her digging her own grave. 

        "Whose there?!" Damn, I was too loud! I turned to jump into another tree when I felt the branch shake.

        "Who are you?! These woods is not welcome to tourist!" 

        "Look whose talking~" I said tauntingly and started to laugh at her own stupidity that she didn't know exactly whose woods she was in.

        "What do you mean? Show yourself!" 

        I did as she asked and smirked. 'So she has a bow and arrow? This should be fun.' "These are my woods. My hunting ground for victims." She gasped and gave me a good look. Before she could scream, I lunged at her.

~*~*~Nobody's POV~*~*~

        When he lunged at you, you instinctively shot your arrow at him.  "Fuck!' he hissed in pain gripping where you shot him. Apparently you shot deep into his right shoulder. You took advantage of the temporary stun and started to jump trees. You were able to jump a good 3 trees before he was hot on your tail. 'Why can't I shake him?!' You thought starting to get frustrated. You kept running and jumping as if it was an everyday task.

        Jeff had gotten tired and irritated of playing tag so he threw his knife and it landed straight into your left thigh. You stumbled and threw out a few curse words before you landed on the wooded floor, knocking the breath out of you. Your weapon had gotten stuck on a branch safely. Jeff had done some sort of flip out of the tree and landed a few yards away. He approaching you quickly while you tried your hardest to breath in sweet air. When he was at you feet, you caught your breath and tried to make a break for it. Jeff growled in anger and annoyance and tackled you to the ground, pinning your hands above your head.

        ​"Let me go!" you yelled squirming underneath him.

        "You don't remember me, do you?" He sounded disappointed and hurt?

        "No I don't! Now get off you psychopath!" The killer just tsked and shook his head. 

        "Why don't you give a good look at me and connect the dots?" You did as he said but nothing came to mind on his identity. You noticed his large Cheshire smile that seemed to be cut in, how he had no eyelids, and how pale he was.

        "Like I said, I don't remember you!" You said, now frustrated on why you would even know him.

        "Remember how your parents died four years ago? Do you remember who did it?" How did he know about that? You had specifically asked for the media to stay out of the case. If the media wasn't involved, then that meant only one thing.

        "Y-you again..." he only chuckled at you reaction and played with your (H/L) (H/C) hair.

        "You remember me. By the way, it's Jeff. I'm surprised you could forget a beautiful face like this." He muttered the last part.

        "Wh-what do you w-want from me?" You asked trembling.

        "Well, it seems that you sister saved you before I could make you go to sleep, so I could do it here since it's only us~" You widened you (E/C) and started crying.

        "No! Please don't kill me! I want to keep living!"

        "That's not what your wrists are telling me." He said while frowning and glancing up at them. You had completely forgotten about that until now. You tried to put together an excuse to why you had done it but he cut you off by pulling the knife out that was still lodged into your thigh. You cried out in pain and started violently thrashing under him. He struggled to keep you pinned while he reached into his hoodie pocket for something. He turned you over gave you a sorrowful look and pulled out a syringe filled with blue liquid. You gave him a, "you wouldn't dare" look. He then raised his arm and stabbed the syringe into you arm, forcing the mysterious blue liquid into your system. You tried to move and scream, for it burned as it went into your vein, but failed. Your vision started to get blurry and the last thing you saw before you passed out was a scalpel, the ones they use during a surgery procedure. Then, everything went black.

Frozen Hearts (Jeff The Killer x Cutter!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now