Where Am I?

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~*~*~No one's POV~*~*~

        You wake up bound to a cold hard surface by rope and slowly open your eyes to see several people standing before you. One was a little girl in a torn pink night gown holding a teddy bear and was covered in blood. Another was a Link look-alike that was floating a few feet off the ground. Except this one had black eyes with red irises, glitched every 10 seconds, had dirty blonde hair that looked wet but never even dripped, and had a stoner grin plastered on his face. 'I'll call him Stoner Link.' you thought. Next to him was a clown, but this wasn't your everyday clown.  No, this one was monochrome with sharp fingers that looked like talons that would rip you into shreds. Directly in front of you was your assaulter, Jeff. And by the doorway, there was a tall faceless man in a tuxedo.

        "Hey Jeff? Why is this smokin' hot babe half naked and here? Can I borrow her for a few hours or so?" Said Stoner Link with a sly smirk plastered on his face. You looked down at yourself and felt your face burn with embarrassment because sure enough, you're in only you bra and underwear.

        "I had to bring E.J. some food, so I brought her and no you can't borrow her, you perv!" Jeff yelled, hitting the elf on the back if his head. The elf groaned and muttered a hateful, "You could've just stuck with no, you dick."

         The little girl walked up to the faceless man and tugged at his sleeve,"Slendy, when she wakes up, can I please play with her before Jack eats her?" The said man looked down at the little girl and shook his head no.

        "No, Sally. Food isn't meant to be played with and you should know this by now." The little girl, whose name is apparently Sally, just frowned and turned to look at you. You just sat there in complete awe looking at the strange creatures in front of you. 'Wait. Did he just say food?!' You stare wide eyed at the people before you and calmly asked, "Did you just refer to me as food?" The clown just approached you with a giant smirk plastered on his pale face.

        "Why yes, my dear. You will be stripped of your kidneys and possibly more to feed our sick comrade, but don't fret! Just think of it as providing the less fortunate with your delicious looking body."

~*~Your POV~*~

'Food? My kidneys? Delicious looking? Holy crap I'm going to be eaten?! I don't want to die this way!!!' I tried to get up and run but then I remembered that I was tied down so I probably just looked like a fish out of water. I stopped struggling when I heard the door open, it was a person in a black hoodie, black jeans, and a blue mask with nothing but eyeholes that had a black substance oozing out. He made his was over and stared down into my eyes with his empty ones. 'Wait, where are his eyes? Does he even have any?'

        "She'll do. She looks very tasty..." The eyeless creature whispered and nodded to Jeff signalling a silent good job. "You can leave me now. I have work to do and a stomach to feed." Soon everyone left and it was only me and eyeless.

~*~No One's POV~*~

You looked around and realized you're in a room that looked like an operational room. To your left, there was a table full of tools such as a curved scalpel, surgical scissors, fixed retractors, sutures, a tank of anesthesia gas, and gauze. There was also a large clear empty jar with tape across it that read, "Kidneys." To your right was the mysterious person putting on surgical gloves while staring at you. He circled to your left and connected a mask to the tank. You start to struggle again and feel the rope giving away and blood from your wrists from the friction of the rope. You keep writhing and squirming until you hear a SNAP! 

        Your right wrist was free! You look to see if the man saw you but he was still making preparations for the procedure and paid you no mind. You scramble to free you other wrist then to free your ankles. Once you freed yourself, you quietly slipped off the operation table, looked to see if he looked back, which he didn't, and tiptoed to the door. As soon as you reached the door, you heard breathing behind you.

        "And where do you think you're heading?" You turned around to see the eyeless creature towering over your frail body. You started to panic and felt for the doorknob.

        "Where am I going? Oh um... I'm, uhm...." You smirked when your hand grasped the knob. "I'm going home so... BYE!!!" You opened the door and raced out into the...large...endless...hallway.... "FUCK! WHERE THE HELL AM I?!?!" You exclaimed to yourself while banging your head into a wall. The hallway stretched so far that you couldn't see either ends of it and had so many doors, you lost count. There was a loud noise followed by bark. You panic and chose one of the many doors not knowing what other dangerous things could be hidden behind it. You rush into the pitch black room, carefully but quickly close the door and press your back against it. On the other side of the door, you could hear people talking.

        "Jeff! Have you seen the girl? She escaped from me and I can't find her anywhere!"

        "You let her get away?! She could be outside by now making her way back home! She'll expose our location, you dimmwit!" An angry voice roared. You heard a loud impact and a grunt. "Jeff probably punched the poor guy." you whisper to yourself. You continue to listen until you started to hear doors open, a pause, then the door slam shut.

        They were checking the rooms! You shuffle blindly through the dark room looking for a place to hide for when they came in. Every passing minute, the slamming got closer and closer and closer until it just stopped. All you could hear was your breathe, footsteps, and and whispering. Suddenly, light poured into the room along with the shadows of two people and an animal.

        "This is the only room we haven't checked so she has to be in here and if not, then she's already in deep into the woods. Smile, do your magic." The animal, which you guessed was Smile, started sniffing around the room while the other two split up to search the places Smile couldn't reach. You sat hidden in the most cliche places ever, a closet. You where watching the search from the cracks of the door when you heard a voice.

        "Well look what we got here.~ I'm surprised you lasted this long."

        You squeaked and turned around to find Stoner Link with his signature stoner grin. Now that he was closer, you could actually see him better. He looked around 17-18 years old and had blood tear stains. He smelled like salt water mixed with marjiana and a hint of mint. His was clothed in a green tunic, a brown belt, tan tights, brown boots, complete with a green hat that hung down to his waist. His hair was dryer and a tad bit lighter blonde than the last time you saw him. His hair was layered, with bangs that split down the middle framing his face, and the rest of his hair reached down to his shoulders. His skin glowed a color in between pale and tan. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find him at least a little bit attractive. In fact, you'd say he was an average hottie despite all the blood.

        "Hello? Earth to chick? You still there?" The boy was waving his hand in front of your face. You got as red as a tomato when you realized you had been staring. You were trying to form an excuse to why you were staring when light flooded the closet and a hand grabbed around your waist. 

        "Hey Jack, I found her!" Jeff had covered your mouth and held your hands behind your back. The eyeless man, who you suppose is Jack, approaches you as you try to get out of Jeff's grip. Jack stops in front of you and pulls out a scalpel.

        "BEN, help Jeff hold her down." Stoner Link, BEN, floated to your side and held part of you down while Jeff held the other part down securely. Jack aligned the scalpel to your side and put enough pressure to break deep into the skin. You let out a scream as you watched the blood ooze out and felt him reach into you, taking a hold of what you guessed was your kidney, and pull. It was all way to much for you to handle as darkness started to take over. The last thing you saw before everything went black, was an oval bloody shape of something in Jack's hands and thought,

        "Where am I?"

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