Sirius the Jaeger: Love at first bite / Part 2

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"Oh man, that italian restaurant was awesome!" Beams Philip as he walks out the restaurant that he and the rest of the Jaeger's besides Yuily ate in

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"Oh man, that italian restaurant was awesome!" Beams Philip as he walks out the restaurant that he and the rest of the Jaeger's besides Yuily ate in. "Yeah, and those garlic toast were the best!" Grinned Follon, content. "N-No way! The garlic sticks were way better!" Argues Philip.









Philip and Follon argued while butting heads, insisting on the opposite course of bread they were served in the italian restaurant to be better. Dorothea giggled at the sight. "Okay, okay, enough you two!" Dorothea approaches and pats a hand on both the boy's shoulders. They stop their certain never ending arguing to turn their attention over to her.

"Let's just say that everything the restaurant served was the best, hm?"

"Agreed!" Fallon agrees without question or denial. Philip sighs painfully. "Okay, fiiiine." A moment after the arguing over bread was over, Yuily darted over to the group, having finally found them.

"Yuily, so I see you found us." Greets Willard. "Sorry if I took long searching for you guys." Apologizes Yuily.

"Hey, no reason to apologise. In a matter in fact, you found us quicker than we expected. Anyways, did you know we were here? Or were you searching at random?" Philip asked out of mere curiosity.

"Well...knowing that we all were going to have made it here by dark, I figured you guys would be hanging around a restaurant, so..."

"So you searched the streets with the best of the best restaurants! Smart move!" Cheers Fallon, impressed.

"Wow, either that or your wolf instincts are just on key." Mutters Philip in awe, but trying to not show how impressed his was.

"Well, Paris is a pretty large place. But of course, it was only going to be a matter of time we ran into each other. Especially since we share the same goal." Refers Willard.

The group nods in agreement. Their goal...what they were all after as a pack, was the vampire royal Agatha and her loyal servants. They must put an end to her before anymore innocent lives are lost.

"Where might you think we may find her?" Inquires Philip. " me. But actually, she would likely be somewhere isolated with not many people. We should look somewhere like that." Replies Yuily.

So that's what the group did. They searched the isolated parts of Paris, and found her. "Hey, stop!!" Yuily shouts while running on top a roof, pursuing his prey.

"Damn it, it's the Jaegers-!!" Gasped Agatha.

These Jaegers...they never stop, do they?

Agatha attempts to escape her pursuers by fleeing into a speeding car one of her servants had prepared in case an emergency such as this, were to ever occur.

Luckily Agatha made it in and she shouted at the driver, "GO, GO, GO!!!" The cars wheels begins to spin, squealing against the rode before taking off in lighting speed. "Damn, they're getting away! Just our luck..." Willard grimaced.

But despite the odds of catching the royal and her servants, Yuily refused to give up. Yuily ran for the speeding car, darting over rooftops and jumping across others. His only chance at never losing sight of his prey was for him to stay up high from where he could keep his eyes glued on his target.

"Yuily, stop!!" The others begged of Yuily. "Come back!!" Shouts Willard. "Don't take the risk!! We'll get another chance!" He added. Yuily grits his teeth together in frustration. "No way...if we give up the pursue that will we ever wipe out the vampire race?!!"

With determination flaring in Yuily's sharp diamond blue eyes that glow in the night, he began to get faster and faster....he slid down the house and made a jump when at a low enough distance and was right on the car's tail.

"STOP!!" Screams Yuily. But then, everything went black as he found himself colliding against the ground.

What the...?!

A speeding car raced and slammed right at Yuily on his side, and he fell down hard against the rode. The car followed after Agatha's car at full speed. While Yuily fell, he was able to take a quick look at the driver because his windows were down. They both exchanged glances.

The driver was a man with short blonde hair and blue eyes. But Yuily could have swore, that for just a instant, the man's eyes gleamed a blood red color. The two cars were lost. And the Jaegar's ran over to Yuily as fast as their feet could take them.

"YUILY!!" He could hear Willard's voice scream over every other voice or sound in the area. He saw several shadowy figures bend down before him and panicked voices trying to reach out to him, also filled with worry.

But not soon after, he felt his strength leaving his body, and his eyes began to feel too heavy to keep open for any longer. His eyes fluttered closed and everything fell into darkness and nothingness.

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