Foreign Exchange Students

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Dumbledore tapped his glass with a spoon for silence and, like magic, the entire dining hall went quiet at once.

"Thank you all for your attention!" he began. "I know that announcements such as these are far from common, but it is still of vital importance for everyone to listen because, tonight, Hogwarts is getting its first ever foreign exchange students!" the moment Dumbledore spoke those last three words, a dull roar started up in the dining hall as every student turned to the person nearest to them and began to whisper and wonder.

Dumbledore allowed the confused and excited speculations to carry on for a few moments before tapping his glass once again.

"I understand that this is a momentous occasion and I have no doubt that all of you are quite interested in seeing who your new peers will be, so I shall not keep you waiting any longer!" he said, and then the moment he finished speaking, he waved an arm. A few feet to his left, one of the doors behind the table where the staff all dined at swung open. Out popped a gorgeous, young woman with hair like gold, eyes like sapphires, skin like porcelain and a big, pink, glittery dress that almost hurt the eyes of anyone who beheld it because of how bright it was.

"Blimey! I don't know if I'm about to fall in love or get sick!" Ron whispered as the beautiful young with stepped up in front of the staff's table with a bunch of adorable giggles and princess waves. Harry laughed a little at Ron's joke, but he couldn't disagree. He had never seen a witch so beautiful before, yet he wasn't quite sure what to make of her bubbly, quirky mannerisms. She kept on tossing her golden curls and posing as though she expected to have her picture taken, yet there was not a single camera in the audience and she knew it. What on earth was she doing? It really did mystify Harry and Ron both and, one seat away, Hermione was busy rolling her eyes.

"I had hoped that when Dumbledore said we'd be getting foreign exchange students he would've meant someone with something amazing in their head rather than on it," she grunted, clearly far less enchanted by the beautiful blond than anyone else in the room. She looked quite annoyed at the girl's glittery display, even rolling her arms as the girl gave another toss of her hair.

"Oh, lighten up, Hermione, you haven't even met the girl yet!" it was Ron who interceded upon the foreign exchange student's behalf first. The dreamy note in his voice did nothing to help Hermione feel better. Instead, her eyes only narrowed even further, crossing her arms in disdain. Before she could say anything else, however, the foreign exchange student finally began to speak.

"Hello everyone! My name is Glinda Arduenna-Upland, of the Upper Uplands in the Gillikin country of Oz!" she said with a grandiose wave. Only silence met her greeting, not a single student in the crowd below having ever heard of Oz or Gillikin or the Upper Uplands. Even Hermione looked baffled, her irritation with the girl evaporating into confusion when she realized that these were magical places she had not yet ever heard of. Already, her gears were turning as she tried to think back on every History of Magic class that she'd ever taken.

"Gillikin. Gillikin. Gillikin. I'm sure I've heard that name before! But where?!"

"Insufferable know-it-all," Ron cackled. This earned him an elbow to the ribs. "Ow! Hey!"

Meanwhile, Glinda had since started to speak again.

"I am honored that you chose me to be a foreign exchange student in this year's program and I so look forward to getting to know each and every one of you and unlock all the secrets that this glorifcous castle has to offer!" she gave a curtsey to indicate that her speech was done. That was when everyone in the dining hall began to clap. Except Hermione.

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