Chapter 3

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"Chan... he's... he's dead!" Minho cried.

"But how? He's been in his room this whole time!" Changbin said.

"Hey." Changbin said, pointing to Chan's window. "The window's open. The murderer probably entered and escaped from there."

Minho nodded. "We should tell the others." He said, closing the door.

Minho and Changbin went to the living room, where the others were waiting.

"Is hyung okay?" Felix asked as they sat down.

"Guys... Chan's... Dead." Minho said, breaking the news to them.

"What? But how?!" Seungmin asked.

"He was murdered. There was blood on the back of his head and a speaker next to him. We think that was how he was killed." Changbin explained.

"His window was open too. That's probably how the killer escaped." Minho added.

The other members fell silent as they tried to process the information. 

"What now?" Jisung asked, breaking the silence. "The killer might be after us now." 

No one answered.  "Sh-should we call the police?" Jeongin asked.

"No. Minho checked his pulse back in the room. If they find his fingerprints on him, they'll probably take him to jail." Changbin said.

"I think it's best to just leave Chan's room alone. Don't touch him or even go inside the room." Minho said.

"B-But..." Jeongin stuttered.

"Don't worry about it, Jeongin. It's fine  just... let's all go to sleep and we can discuss this more tomorrow." Minho decided.  Everyone nodded in agreement and got ready for bed.

As Jeongin walked down the hallway ri get to his room, he couldn't help but stop in front of Chan's room.  Hyung, are you really dead? No more joking around? No more singing together? Jeongin shed a tear.  I'm sorry, Chan hyung. I'll miss you.

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