Chapter 5

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"No... He's dead? But how?" Felix asked.

"He was strangled in his sleep." Jisung responded.

"Dammit... He would always such a heavy sleeper... I told him it would get him killed someday..." Seungmin said, trying not to cry.

"The window's open." Changbin said, pointing to the window.

"It must've been the same guy." Felix said.

"See? I told you the killer would come for us! But no! We should just 'go to sleep and discuss it tomorrow'. Now look! Hyunjin's dead! We need to protect ourselves instead of sitting around!" Minho yelled.

"I agree with hyung. I don't want anyone else to get killed." Jeongin said.

"Fine. For now, just lock the windows and the front door to prevent him from coming in." Minho said. "And leave Hyunjin's room alone too. We can lock his and Chan's door so he can't come back in through there."

"Can we finish our food?" Felix asked.

"How can you think of food at a time like this?!" Seungmin asked.


"I'm kinda hungry..." Jeongin added.

Seungmin sighed. "Yeah okay. Whatever."

They all went back to their lunch.

"Here Jeongin." Jisung said, pushing a box of chicken towards him.

"Thanks, hyung!"

"Can I go drive down to the store to get a drink?" Seungmin asked.

"Sure." Minho said, as Seungmin grabbed his car keys from the cabinet near the door. "Just be careful."

"Do you want me to come?" Felix asked.

"No, it's fine. Plus I kinda want some time alone." Seungmin said, putting his fleece jacket on and walking out the door.

"I hope he's okay. I've never seen him this sad before." Felix said once the door closed.

"Didn't you know? Seungmin liked him." Jisung said and sighed. "He told me he was going to confess later. He's probably devastated, so you should leave him alone for now."


Seungmin sighed as he walked out of the convenience store, his breath becoming visible in the cold, dry, Autumn air. It's cold tonight. He thought as finished the last of his drink and got inside the car.

The car he drove was a black 1966 Rolls-Royce Phantom V, which he had inherited from his rich grandfather. He didn't drive it often, mainly because it was an expensive car and he didn't want it ruined, but also because he and the others would normally take their large van. He only drove it when he went places alone or sometimes with one of the other boys, although it was very rare for one of them to even see the car, let alone ride in it.

He drove home, thinking about the events that happened earlier. I never got the chance to tell him. He thought as a tear slid down his cheek.

He parked his car in the large shed by the house, where it normally sat until it was needed, unlike the van that sat in the garage. Seungmin got out of the car and dried his tears, then putting the key into the keyhole and locked the car.

Seungmin then felt a hot, searing pain cover his body as he turned the key. He screamed in agony and collapsed onto the burning floor, as this was the worst pain he had ever experienced in his life.


"Hey, Seungmin's back." Jeongin said as he watched Seungmin's black car pull into the shed.

"He was gone for a while. I was afraid something happened to him." Felix said.

"Nah, he just wanted to be alo-" Minho started but got cut off by a loud 'boom'.

"Guys!" Jeongin yelled, running into the room. "Th- The shed is on fire!"

"Jisung, get fire extinguishers! Felix, Changbin, and Jeongin, get as much buckets of water as you can!" Minho shouted, giving orders to the other members as he rushed outside.

Minho stood outside of the burning shed, spraking the fire with the old hose they had.

A couple of minutes later, Jisung ran towards him with fire extinguishers, followed by Changbin, Felix, and Jeongin carrying heavy buckets of water.

"How did this happen?" Minho asked, coughing.

"I don't know!" Felix replied.

"Where's Seungmin?" Changbin shouted.

"He must be inside!" Felix yelled back.

"We have to get him out!" Jeongin yelled.

"How? Everything's on fire and it'll take a while for us to put the fire out!" Changbin shouted as he threw a bucket of water onto the fire.

"We can't leave him in there!" Jeongin yelled.

A splash was heard as Jisung dumped a bucket of water on himself. "I'm going in!" He yelled as he threw the bucket away.

"Are you nuts? You'll get burned alive!" Minho shouted, tackling Jisung and pinning him to the ground.

"We have a chance to save him!" Jisung yelled, trying to wiggle out of Minho's grasp.

"It's too late!" Minho shouted, tightening his grip on Jisung. "It's already been too long! We can't save him!"

"I know it's too late! I just want to help!"

"Then help by getting water and putting the fire out!" Minho shouted back at him, releasing Jisung, who nodded.

Jisung grabbed another bucket of water and dumped it on himself, then grabbing another one and rushing into the shed.

"I JUST TOLD YOU NOT TO GO IN!" Minho yelled. "What am I going to do with him..." Minho mumbled to himself, before grabbing a bucket of his own and dumping it on himself, then grabbing another bucket and running into the building after Jisung.
"What are you doing?!" Minho yelled at Jisung, who was dumping water onto fires.

"I'm putting fires out like you told me to do!" Jisung said before dumping the last of his water onto a fire.

"I told you not to go in!" Minho yelled, splashing water onto a fire next to him.

Minutes went by before the fire was completely put out.

"God, that took a while." Changbin said, wiping sweat off his forehead.

"Hyung!" Jeongin shouted, running into the burnt building, causing the others to run in after him.  They scoured the shed until Felix found something.

"Guys! I-I found Seungmin..." Felix said, pointing to a large, burnt object.

Seungmin had burned to death.


Hey guys, so Seungmin's death can be a bit confusing, so I'll try to explain what caused the fire.

When Seungmin left the house, he wore a fleece jacket, which conducts and stores static electricity. While you drive, your back rubs up against the back of the chair and collects static electricity, and it's the most noticeable during dry seasons.  The 1966 Rolls-Royce Phantom V isn't remote controlled lock, and needs a key to lock it. When he locked the door with the key, static electricity jumped to the key and created a spark.  The spark set evaporated gasoline, which the killer placed, on fire, killing Seungmin.

I hoped that helped, and if you still don't understand, sorry.


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