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Jeongin gasped and sat up.

He looked around his room, taking in the familiar sounds of the tv and the barely audible sound of eggs being fried. It was just a dream... He thought.


Jeongin looked at the source of the voice to find Chan standing in the doorway.

"I wanted to check up on you. You're usually the first one up, everyone's up already." Chan said, walking over to Jeongin's bed.


"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing... I just had a nightmare..."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Jeongin thinks for a bit then nods. "I had a dream where everyone was killed..." Jeongin says softly, tears forming in his eyes at the memory of seeing the others' dead bodies and seeing Minho being shot before his eyes.

"Oh... Umm..."

"Y-you killed them... You strangled Hyunjin Hyung in his sleep; set Seungmin Hyung on fire; drowned Changbin Hyung; stabbed Felix Hyung in the throat; and shot Jisung Hyung and Minho Hyung..." Jeongin told Chan, who was at a loss for words.

"H-hey, it's okay. It's just a dream, everyone's fine." Chan said, trying to comfort the slightly crying boy. "Come on, go wash up and you can see the others."

Jeongin nodded, got up, and walked to the bathroom with Chan behind following him.

Chan smirked and reached behind his back, taking out a knife that was hidden inside the waistband of his pants.   "Don't worry, the others are fine. You'll get to see them very soon..."

I'm so happy, I finally finished a story! Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. I had a lot fun writing this and I had so many ideas on what to write. 

If you would like to read more books like this then please comment some ideas for future stories like this and I might just write it. 

Once again, thank you so much for reading this and I really hope you enjoyed.


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