Chapter 5.

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Lance's Pov.

Me and James made our way to the hallway just outside the great dining hall. Another sigh escaped my lips as I leaned up against the wall.

"So.. what did you want to talk about Griffin?" I asked him, switching the book I had in my hand to the other to stand more comfortably.

"I ju-"

"Lance that's too far." Sage came slouching around the corner with a whine accompanying her voice.

"Shut up fur ball." The crow on James's shoulder cawed out at Sage.

Before she could react however, I picked her up and put her on the edge of the wall I was leaning against.

Also, too far? Sage I was just around the corner. You're just worried you sneaky bastard.

"Sorry for that. Again, what did you want to talk about?" I repeated.

"I just heard you got accepted on the Quidditch team." He spoke, immediately getting to the point.

"Yeah I.. mr Shirogane said I had potential. ts'quite the only reason I was accepted as a first year." I spoke with a sheepish grin scratching the back of my neck.

"Hey Griffin!" We heard from behind James. Two other Ravenclaws came up to us, one of them sprawling their arm over James's shoulder with a smirk.

"Who's this twig?"

"The muggle born?"

"Yes, he is." James replied to them.

"Look I just wanted to let you know.. the team already hates you. May or may not be my fault but that doesn't matter. You're nothing special and the Ravenclaw House despises you. You're not intelligent, you don't know any spells yet, you don't know anything about the wizardry world in general for fucks sake!" A dark chuckle escaped his lips, other laughter came from the other two behind him too.

Just let him say whatever he wants to say. I know what I'm capable and incapable of doing.

"But I mean.. can't blame you! You're just a chip of the old book, am I right?" He turned to his, supposedly, friends with a snicker.

In an instance my 'ignore him' technique turned bitter.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I spat in anger.

"Lance-" Sage started but was cut off by James.

His smile faltered as he stepped closer to me.

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. You're exactly the same as your muggle family. Fucking stupid and useless. You filthy little mud blood-"

My brows furrowed together as I clenched my teeth.

"Lance don't-" but before I knew it I had dropped the book that was clenched in my now fisted hands, my fist soon making contact with James's jaw as he stumbled backwards trying to keep himself from falling onto the ground.

"Don't you dare speak about my family like that!" I growled out as his friends had taken a step back with wide eyes and a light smile.

"He's a feisty one~" said one of James' friends.

"Oh you're getting it, McClain." James growled out angrily as he threw a fist my way.

My feet moved on their own as I took a step to the side slightly ducking underneath his swinging fist. I swung my leg as I swiftly kicked his legs out from underneath him.

Slowly the 'fight fight fight!' chant started to be heard around us as multiple people started crowding us.

James's hand took ahold of my robe and rugged on it harshly making me fall down to the ground beside him. My head hit the ground hard as I let out a groan, my eyes widening before I squeezed them shut tightly.
Couldn't stay down for long though as I felt legs wrap around my waist, a heavy weight pushing me down.

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