[V] Brutal Night

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People always say pray to God, because He'll help you through your problems. But excuse you, there is no God in my world.

Scared for Taehyung's sake (and also for Jungkook's), I ran to his neighbourhood.

'Shoot. It's midnight.' I thought to myself, glancing at my watch.

That place is the worst place you can imagine. I still remember the image of it. I remember swearing at myself for never going back there ever again.

But guess what? Haha. Boy I'm back to hell.


Half of this neighbourhood was circled by a dark forest called 어둠 (which means "darkness" in Korean). The streets were tight and full of cigarettes; the apartments looked abandoned and old, as if no one ever created a replica to make it look better; the dim lights were always flashing; and the wolves howled often at night, probably five times per hour; which caused the people to never sleep well. The scariest part about it, is that it has its own history. It isn't nice though, it's rather dark. Because of its creepy past, the neighbourhood was known as 늑대 도살 town ("wolf slaughter town"). It sounds like the wolves are getting slaughtered, but it's quite the opposite where they play the role of the predators and we, the prey. Oddly, the gouvernement never banned 늑대 도살 town from Seoul despite the numerous killings. These killings all happen inside that one forest 어둠. There may be a few investigations, but... who was even brave enough to go check inside 어둠?


No one.

If you did, you'll either get killed or by chance, escape but see a lot of mangled bodies. Not recommended for people with hemophobia and necrophobia.

It's not like God can do whatever we order him to do. So, we had nothing to do. I guess that's what explains the phobia of the whole neighbourhood, the phobia identified as lupophobia or lycophobia.

It's funny how I still remember these from grandma.

When you add all these pieces together with a dark night sky, well, there you have it, a perfect place where your nightmare or suspense story should take place. 늑대 도살 town is a great setting for that genre, especially its forest.

As I finally arrived (and also by the time I caught my breath), I swear I heard something shatter. I had the ears of an owl, so no wonder. I looked at the doorway, my hands on my knees, I remember seeing Taehyung's figure, but in a split second, his head aggressively spun left (A/N: if you're confused of what "Yoongi" means based on his description, basically Taehyung got slapped aggressively). In front of him, I could make out another figure, which I assumed was his dad.

The latter started yelling on top of his lungs, yelling: "why didn't you pick up my calls?!". I knew we shouldn't have gone to somewhere loud. Tae kept screaming at his father, asking him what he did to Eon. His father was about to slap him again, but he held his grip tightly. This time, he yelled loudly about his sister's concern, his voice echoed through my mind. I remember thinking that I had gone deaf by it.

Taehyung's figure soon disappeared inside the apartment and his father's as well. I didn't know what had gotten into me, but something told me that something was going to go down. I sprinted towards the apartment and climbed up the stairs. I was running so fast, I couldn't really control my speed at this point. I crashed on the apartment walls as I finished the stairs. Luckily, they didn't shut the door; it was still wide open. I entered in a rush and saw Taehyung on the ground, against the wall, crying in pain with shattered empty bottles behind him.

...His father's an alcoholic. How did I forget that...
Plus that man has liver cancer... just like me in a few years (A/N: reminder, Yoongi is explaining his story so he might say some things that's going on with his life right now).

His father was in the next room beating Eon. Taehyung tried standing up, but it looked impossible. I ran to him and tried helping him up. I wanted everything to stop, so I yelled that the Police was coming soon. They didn't care however.

Yeah, it was because stupid little me forgot that Police Officers haven't been brave enough to enter 늑대 도살 town during the night!

I looked at Taehyung and wondered what he was thinking. He was just sending his father the most scariest and intense death glare and his eyes were twitching at the same time. Everything went silent all of a sudden. Tae's father panted and Eon slowly collapsed on the hard floor, unconscious. I swear at that very moment, I think I heard my heartbeat; and it raced... Taehyung stood up, grabbed a broken bottle and walked slowly to the room. He opened the door wider, grabbed his father from the collar, pushed him against the wall and...



"T-Taehyung..." Eon Jin managed to pronounce.
"Holy shit." I cursed, running to the doorway of the room.

That night... Taehyung might've forgotten who he was. The fact that he had difficulty standing up but managed to walk and stab his father just like that within 3 seconds... He was so mad against his father, he didn't realize that he actually just murdered someone... a relative, a father, his father. I couldn't believe any of this anymore.

He dropped the broken bottle as it shattered on the ground and looked at his trembling, bloody hands. He ran out of the apartment and hid in a nearby alleyway, like any other criminals after committing a crime.

He laughed hysterically.
And broke down into tears...

After a long silence, he took a bottle of water and washed his hands. Yeah, the blood was gone, but his suit had a few blood stains from the brutal murder. I just watched him from a window and I felt helpless, really... I don't want to sound selfish, but after what he did...

I didn't want to be near him anymore.

I was getting tired so I went outside of the apartment and went to lay against the fence, eventually falling asleep by sitting on the ground.

The next morning, I couldn't find Taehyung anymore. But...

Cop cars came around the block, flashing their lights and disrupting the silence.

"Shit! It's morning!" I cussed, looking around, wondering what I should do.

To be honest, I always thought it was his sister who called on him, even though in the end she never had the audacity to.

A police car parked nearby since it was the morning where everything isn't so spooky, along with an ambulance, and two officers got out, all heading to Tae's door.

Seriously, life is so fucking unfair. After one action, one's life can be ruined.

Just like how Taehyung's did.

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