The new girl

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[Yoonji's PV]
It was the middle of the 33rd day of school. Everyone in the class was screaming and saying that there would be a new kid arriving soon. I didn't really care, since I was more of a loner and preferred being alone in the back of the classroom.

I remember the first time I came to this school, all the boys tried to flirt with me. They then gave up when they heard another new girl was in the classroom next door.
I was the only girl in my class but again, I didn't really care.
We were in Math class when the new kid arrived. I personally didn't like math, the teacher annoyed me and the classes were boring.

Our teacher opened the door and asked the new student to come in.
A very shy girl came in, she was kinda cute, not that I liked girls or anything lol.
-"Hi, m-my name is Kim Namsoon.
-Hi Namsoon!
Everyone turned around and looked at Namjoon, who was suddenly very embarrassed.
-Sorry, I just wanted to say hi to my sister."
So the new kid was Namjoon's sister, huh. It's true that they looked very alike. I wonder why she wasn't in the same school as he brother before. I know this was none of my business but something about the girl intrigued me. Even though she had a very happy, and cute smile smile her eyes seemed so sad.

She sat down next to me, which I didn't mind. It was the only place left anyways. One of the boys, jungkook, immediately started flirting with her. She ignored him and continued listening to the teacher talking.
-"So, I started, why are you in this school"
She ignored me.
-"heyyyy, I'm talking to you.
-Oh sorry! I-i didn't hear you!"
She blushed from embarrassment.
I asked her my question again and she answered that she didn't really want to talk about it. I respected that and stopped asking her questions.

At one point I looked at her bag and saw a keychain on it. I think the character was from this show called bt21.
-"Nice bt21 keychain."
She gasped.
-"Y-you know bt21!? Finally someone my age knows about it!
-I just saw a couple of episodes but it's really cute.
-Just a couple episodes? You should watch every single one of them!"
The fact that she was so obsessed with this show was quite adorable and even made me want to talk to her more. We chatted together for the rest of the class.

At lunch, she asked me if she could sit with me, since she didn't really want to sit with Namjoon and his friends.
I accepted, wanting to know more about her. We talked a lot and it never got boring.

A couple weeks passed and me and Namsoon were practically best friends. She was my first real friend and I never got tired of her talking about bt21.
-"h-hey, uhhh, I have a question.
-do you wanna come to my birthday/sleepover at my house friday?
-Sure!" , I replied

[A/n: ayyyy the first chapter is done, I hope you enjoy!]

She's mine. [min yoonji x kim namsoon]Where stories live. Discover now