[Chapter 19]: Send You A Rose

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     My knees buckled, but I recovered instantly. Neither seemed to notice.
     Any other name. Why couldn't she have had any other name?
     Hitoshi waved her off. "It's only fair that I call you by your last name if you have to call me by mine."
     The two picked up idle chatter about mundane things such as school, work, and the like. All I could think about was how this sweet, innocent girl, so similar to my Saya was standing before me like a blast from the past. From her shy, yet radiant demeanour to her wobbly smile—I couldn't take it.
     "Hitoshi," I winced at the tension in my own voice. "Please make sure that S—I mean Tanaka gets home safely. Don't worry about reporting back to Aizawa, I'll tell him what happened today."
     "What's wrong?" He asked, worry instantly marring his features.
     I smiled weakly. "Nothing! I'm just really tired and it's beginning to get cold out." Turning to Tanaka, I offered a small wave. "It was very nice meeting you again. I hope that you enjoy your week off school."
     Then I was hitting the ground running. Tears that had been creating an intense pressure behind my eyes finally broke free and flooded my vision.
     Three days before her death date and some random girl I just met shows up with the name Saya? What were the odds?
     Nearly two blocks away already, I finally slowed, unable to keep up my pace between my choked sobs and blurry vision. My face contorted with pain as the hole that had finally been mending in my heart ripped open with a vengeance. The ache to hold my sister close to me ripped through my body like a tidal wave until I was physically shaking.
Sometimes, I wished that I could just forget.
     I blinked rapidly, furiously scrubbing at my eyes. The tears had slowed by this point and the numbness was settling in, but I was sure that it was painfully obvious what had just happened from the salty residue of tears on my cheeks.
     "Hitoshi? I thought I told you to look after Tanaka." I said meekly.
     "She has other priorities," he said dismissively. "And as it so happens, so do I."
     "You didn't have to come... did you run all the way here?" I asked as I examined his messy attire and windswept hair.
     He grinned crookedly. "I couldn't just let you face Aizawa's wrath alone."
     My laugh broke off into a sob.
     "Are you going to tell me what has you so torn up? Or am I gonna have to pry it out of you?"
     I hesitated.
     "Saya," I relented quietly. "That was my little sister's name. The date of her death is three days from now."
     He fell silent as he put the pieces together.
     "That's who you were crying about," he breathed. "That day in the training room—you were crying for your little sister."
     I nodded shakily. "She was so... pure. A light in my horrid world and—" I chocked. "And she was ripped away from me... So young..."
Hitoshi hugged me tight. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's not exactly a 'party starter' kind of topic," I said dryly.
"No," he agreed feebly. "I guess it's not."
"Wanna know something?"
The slight tilt of his head indicated that he was listening for what I had to say.
"Your aura," I mused nostalgically. "It's just like hers. I noticed it the first time I met you. Maybe that's why—maybe that's why I'm so drawn to you."
He squeezed me tighter, "Are you sure it's not my charming good looks?"
I snorted, falling limp against his capable body. "Damn sure, Bedhead."
There was a pause, then suddenly Hitoshi tensed. I glanced up at him.
"Does it hurt you?"
I pulled back slightly, "Does what hurt me?"
"My aura. Looking at it. If it reminds you of your sister... does it hurt you?"
That wasn't a question I was expecting. Pondering for a moment, I concluded, "No. Actually, it brings me... a sense of peace."
He let out a breath that I didn't know he was holding. "Good. Now... Do you want to talk about it?"
I knew that he was referring to my sister. Just like I knew how difficult and confusing this must be for him. He couldn't possibly understand and yet here he was trying to. An unfathomable warmth enveloped my heart, comforting me even if only slightly.
That's why I decided to confide in him. I poured the contents of my heart out onto the cracks of the pavement before him as if it were black paint. Emptying out all of the negativity I had been harbouring alone for so long into another person willing to share the burden with me.
Aizawa knew of my past, of course, but he never mentioned it out of fear of upsetting me. Though I appreciated the sentiment, I never realized how desperately I needed someone to ask me, to talk to me about all of this until Hitoshi did it.
When I was finished, Hitoshi was rendered speechless by the volatile story. "I—(Y/N), I'm sorry. How do I even—I don't—"
My arms wrapped around his torso and I buried my face into his chest, inhaling his scent. "Just hold me. You've done enough."
Leaves scattered across the ground at our feet, swirling up into the crisp night air as it darkened. "It's getting late, Toshi. We should head back."
A short, breathy laugh escaped his mouth. "You're really something else, you know that?"
"Duh." I teased as I locked our pinkies together and began walking along the sidewalk. It was something we hadn't done often, but I found myself enjoying the sweet gesture more and more every time we did.
"I practically just watched your heart break in front of me and now you're skipping down the street like a child," he knocked me on the head. "Is everything alright in there?"
"You have to be able to smile," I said softly. "Even in the darkest times—I learned that from someone very special to me."
Hitoshi brought our entwined hands up to his face and brushed his lips across my knuckles, "I think that I've finally settled on what I should call you."
I hummed, curiously.
He gave me a secretive smile, "Sunshine."
A blush stained my cheeks in an instant and I groaned. "You know? I really hate that I love when you're cheesy," I pouted. "I blush too easily and you're always so smug about it."
"What can I say?" He pulled me closer. "It's one of the many things to love about you."
My breath hitched on the word 'love.' His brain seemed to catch up with his mouth in that moment and for once, I wasn't the only one tinted pink.
Unfortunately, the moment was cut short by a monotone man rolling through the door in a sleeping bag. I hadn't even noticed we made it home.
Hitoshi seemed bewildered by the display, but respectively chose not to make a snippy remark. He almost seemed more fearful of the man when he looked like a bug than he did when Aizawa was standing proud—I couldn't say that I really blamed him.
"You're late," Aizawa stated bluntly.
I rolled my eyes. "You're the one that told us not to slack off."
"You broke into the school," he deadpanned. "The security system alerted Principal Nezu to an intruder and I had to explain why my daughter and one of her peers were picking the lock to the main entrance."
"And you're the one that told us to go there," I sang. "Case and point."
Seemingly unfazed, Aizawa simply said, "You're grounded for the rest of your life—"
I made to protest, but he pressed on like a truck.
"—Give me the day's rundown."
Scowling, I begrudgingly told him the day's events—minus a few key details, I might add.
Nodding in approval, Aizawa sighed and rolled back into the main hall. "Fine. Dinner's in the fridge... Figured you might want food since you're always like a ravenous beast scavenging the cupboards for leftovers."
A small smile curved my lips. He wasn't the best at showing affection, but I knew that this was him saying 'I love you, stupid kid.'
"Thank you," I chirped. "I'll just quickly show Hitoshi to the guest—"
I blinked. "What? This is his internship, is he not—?"
"Not under my roof. Not with my daughter." He shuffled until he was facing Hitoshi, staring blankly into his soul. "I'll be damned if I let you stay the night. Go home, Shinsou. You can run here every morning for the entirety of the week—I expect you for six."
I sweat-dropped. Why are you like this?
Sensing the severity in Dadzawa's tone, Hitoshi awkwardly scratched his neck and turned to me. "Right. I'll be going now."
He turned to leave, but just as he exited the apartment, I softly grabbed his shoulder. "Goodnight, Hitoshi."
The smile I offered him was the most angelic one I could muster, just to tease him. On the outside, he remained perfectly composed. However, the look in his eyes that was screaming for me to kiss him said otherwise. I smirked, but he knew better than to act on his impulse and opted to nod at me instead before taking his leave.
"Alrighty then," I began as I turned to Aizawa with a devilish smile. "Where's the food?"
"Get up."
Groaning, I buried myself deeper into the fluffy cloud beneath my head. "Can't right now. Racing cheetahs."
"Guess I'm going to have to burn your waffles."
"NO!" I bolted out of bed, throwing myself onto the floor. "I'M AWAKE!"
Aizawa shook his head in amusement. My only motivation was food and he knew it.
     "Good," he huffed. "I found something at the front door for you this morning."
Interest thoroughly peeked, I stood up and brushed off my pants. In his outstretched hand was a ruby red bloom, the fullest rose I had ever seen. The stem was a rich green hue and Aizawa had to hold it carefully to avoid pricking his fingers on the many thorns that lined it.
It took my breath away—I had never seen anything so beautiful.
Looking to my dad for approval, he shrugged and nudged the flower closer to me. It felt so wrong to take it. As if touching it would make it crumble away into dust.
However, no such thing happened when I gently plucked the rose from between his fingers. I pressed my nose to the velvety petals.
"It came with a card," he said nonchalantly. "Not sure who it's from though. All it says is your name with a heart beside it. Do you have something to tell me?"
The skeptical look he was giving me told me that he had a feeling what it was that I should be telling him.
I blushed. "Nope. I guess I have a secret admirer."
"Not so secret," he grumbled before ambling his way to the kitchen. "Come eat. Quickly. You have to go get that boy."
My eyebrows furrowed, scurrying to find a vase and fill it with water. Once the beautiful bloom was placed on my bedside table and I was changed, I plopped down at the table to eat.
"I thought that he was supposed to be running here," I said through a mouthful of waffle.
"He is," Aizawa said dryly. "But you're not off the hook, either. Consider this a punishment for trespassing. Be back by six thirty or I'll make you do laps until you drop."
"It's six thirteen!" I shrieked.
"Better get going."
Hissing, I shoved two waffles into my mouth and my feet into my shoes. I was out the door before the minute could change.
Running to Hitoshi's house took me seven minutes flat and by the time I was pounding on the door, I was covered in a thin layer of sweat. It hadn't even occurred to me that his parents would very likely still be home preparing for work until Mihoko opened the door.
At first she seemed about ready to ream out whoever she found on the other side of the door, but upon seeing me, she became positively elated.
"(Y/N), sweetheart! What are you doing here so early?" She asked as she ushered me in. "Hitoshi said that you guys were at the same internship, is that why you're here?"
I nodded breathlessly.
"Well, he's upstairs still. I'm not sure if he's awake yet, so maybe you should go check." Mihoko offered. "I'd hate for him to be late. He told me that your instructor is a really intimidating guy."
Inwardly, I snickered. So Aizawa really rattled him, huh?
"Oh, he is," I assured her. "Thank you for allowing me in. I have to go get Hitoshi now or else we're gonna be running laps all day."
Smiling in understanding, she gestured to the stairs. It didn't take me long from there to locate his bedroom door and start banging.
I really didn't like cardio.
As I continued to slam my fist against his door, it suddenly swung open and I found myself knocking on something much softer, but just as solid. I looked up, prepared to give the lavender-haired boy a piece of my mind, but what met my eyes stopped me dead in my tracks.
There stood Hitoshi. Shirtless.
And soaking wet.
Loose, black jogging pants hung low on his waist, barely clinging to the dips in his hips as he leaned his gloriously defined arm against the doorframe. There was a soft, cotton towel draped around his neck, catching droplets of water as they fell from his hair to his broad shoulders. The former of which hung carelessly in front of his face, obscuring his eyes—a stark contrast to his usual spikes. Upon noticing my intense stare, he smirked seductively and leaned in closer until I could feel his wet hair tickling my cheeks and I could see the smouldering purple of his eyes.
I choked on my own saliva. Sweet Jesus.
Unable to contain myself, my eyes dipped low and away from his eyes. Every muscle, every plane and swell, was on full display. A particularly lovely droplet found itself tracing a path down from his clavicle, to his abs, and all the way to his navel where it disappeared into the black cotton of his pants.
Dear fucking God.
Pushing his hair out of his face, Hitoshi takes his towel—smirking all the while—and begins to shake out the purple tendrils at the back of his head.
"Like what you see?"
"You cocky fuck," I huffed. "Get a shirt on and let's go. If we're not out of this house in negative three minutes, we're running laps and I refuse to run for you."
He grinned. "Maybe if you weren't so busy ogling me, we would've been gone by now."
I punched him hard in the shoulder, but he merely chuckled, retreating into his room.
"I'm just saying!" He called.
Thankfully, finding a shirt wasn't a difficult task and we were booking it back to my apartment in no time. Mihoko shouted her well wishes after us, but I was already too busy chewing Hitoshi out for sleeping in to respond.
"Sorry," he shrugged.
"That's it?!" I squealed. "You're such an asshole!"
Chest heaving, I burst through the doors to my home and checked the clock. Six thirty. On the dot.
Thank fuck.
I slumped down to my knees against the wall and silently sent my prayers to the heavens.
"You're back," Aizawa deadpanned.
"Really?" I spat, still gasping for air. "Hadn't noticed."
Shrugging his indifference, Aizawa turned to Hitoshi and demanded, "Don't be late tomorrow."
"Sure thing—"
Aizawa withered at him.
"I mean," Hitoshi scratched his cheek. "Yes, Mr. Eraserhead."
"Better," he turned to face the both of us. "You two are patrolling today. Around the shopping district, nothing too dangerous."
"Aren't you coming with us?" I asked skeptically. "You are our mentor."
"I will be joining you guys around noon," he said, somewhat conflicted. "Principal Nezu and I have some matters to discuss."
Nodding in understanding, I said, "Okay. Are you finally going to tell me what you found out yesterday? When I asked about it at dinner, you just brushed me off."
He shook his head. "Hopefully, I will have answers for you after this meeting."
With an exasperated sigh, I waved the man off to go do whatever it was that he had to do. "Whatever. I guess we'll go start our rounds then."
Aizawa agreed with my plan and disappeared into his room. I turned to Hitoshi, hooking my pinkie with his and left the apartment. The walk remained relatively quiet until I saw a cherry blossom flutter down into my view.
I gasped. How could I forget?
"Thank you," I said suddenly. "For what you left me last night."
Hitoshi appeared to be feigning ignorance. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Don't act coy, Hitoshi. I'm pretty sure Aizawa already knows about us anyways, so there's no need to worry, Besides, I really liked it."
Despite my words, Hitoshi only seemed to be more puzzled than before. "What?"
"The rose. You left it outside the door," a soft smile graced my lips just thinking about it. "It truly was lovely. I don't think I've ever seen a flower so vibrant. How did you even know that they were my favourite?"
"(Y/N)," Hitoshi said firmly. There was a note of urgency to his tone now.
"What is it?" My eyebrows furrowed.
"I didn't send you a rose."

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