[Chapter 22]: Not At All

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Aizawa was up in a flash. "(Y/N)? What does it say? Who is it from?"
I handed him the note with shaky hands.
The room held a collective breath as Aizawa carefully unfolded it just as I had. His eyebrows knitted together. "Is this...?"
My smile, though strained, was positively radiant. "Yes," I said without a hint of doubt. "No one has worse bedside manners than Hitoshi."
     Tokoyami tilted his head. "How did be manage to deliver that flower without anyone recognizing him?"
     "Damn, that's smooth," Denki mumbled under his breath. "No wonder he has a girl and I don't."
"I'll contact the other Pros," Aizawa declared stonily, completely ignoring my peers as he headed for the door. "We can contact all of the flower shops in town. Check the security cameras. See if we can find a lead."
"Wait!" I gasped.
Aizawa faltered, impatiently standing in the doorway as I rushed up to him. I gripped his sleeve, staring up at him with pleading eyes.
"Don't—don't hurt him," I whispered. "There has to be a reason. I-I know that there's more to this than we're seeing because I know Hitoshi. He's not a villain."
He stayed silent.
     "Please," I implored, trying to convey how important this was to me through a mere glance.
     Sighing deeply, Aizawa pulled me into a hug before ruffling my hair. "I'll make sure that Shinsou remains unharmed."
My eyes watered slightly, but I was quick to rub it away. "Thank you."
Aizawa nodded minutely and left the room.
     "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone," he grumbled.
I smiled half-heartedly and offered a tiny wave to his retreating form. Taking a deep breath, I turned around to face my silently gawking peers.
"Who would've guessed that Aizawa is your dad?!" Ochaco squealed after a moment of brief silence.
     Mina gaped. "Do you actually have to deal with him twenty four hours a day?"
     I snorted and nodded my head. "Why do you think I'm so snarky?"
     My friends laughed and as I was about to suggest finding a movie, the nurse walked in to tell everyone that they had to leave. I frowned, a bit uneasy at the thought of being alone in a place with no one that I knew.
     "All of you can come back to visit tomorrow," Melissa promised in response to the chorus of protests. "But it will be time for (Y/N)'s checkup in a few moments and I have to make sure that everything is nice and tidy for the doctor."
     "Of course!" Mineta agreed, drool slipping from the corner of his mouth. "I could help the doctor check her out—"
     Mineta was reduced to a groaning heap on the floor as Tsuyu slapped him upside the head with her tongue. She turned to me with a smirk. "We'll be back soon, ribbit."
     "Yeah! And we'll bring games!" Ochaco chimed.
     "Don't forget the snacks," Momo added.
     "I will bring flowers," Todoroki said monotonously. "I was not aware that everyone else had already done so."
     Stifling a laugh at Todoroki's now puzzled expression, I smiled genuinely at all of them in turn before nodding my head. "Okay. Can't wait."
     Kirishima threw himself into the mix with an impish grin. My eyes widened as he approached me.
     "Kiri," I said warningly. "I know that look. Don't you dare—"
     But it was already too late.
     Suddenly, I was being wrapped into a tight hug and spun around in the air. I squealed, laughing harder than I had in a long time at my best friend's antics.
     "Kirishima!" I giggled, squirming in his grip.
     He set me down gently and mused up my hair. "Relax, (Y/N). We'll be back as soon as we can! Promise!"
     His wide, childish grin erased any lingering worries that I may have had. "I'll hold you to it."
     One by one, the room became increasingly empty. After everyone had left with a mix of teasing farewells and warm wishes, I retreated to my bed to relax. I still couldn't believe how accepting they had all been after they found out who I was.
     Tears prickled at the backs of my eyes and I buried my face in the pillow to hide a relieved smile. Thank you.
     Hearing something drop to my right, I turned my head. Melissa was still milling about, shuffling papers and organizing what looked to be an array of medications on a tray. She glanced at me, caught my eye, and smiled.
    "I'm so glad to see that you're awake," Melissa admitted. "You had us worried there for a moment."
     I blushed sheepishly. "Sorry."
     Melissa merely chuckled, placed an empty pill bottle in her pocket, and turned to the door. "I'll be right back. I just have to refill these," she grinned. "He's going to be so happy to hear that you're okay!"
     My eyebrows furrowed at the strange statement, but I brushed it off once I heard the door close with a reassuring click. I sank into the pillows. Now that I was alone, there was nothing stopping me from overthinking.
     Why is Hitoshi doing this? I know that there has to be a reason for it, but what? A thought crossed my mind. Has his quirk been placed into another person like Saiki?
     I inhaled sharply. Then what does that mean for Hitoshi?
     All of these thoughts running circles in my mind were starting to make me dizzy. I stood up deciding that I needed some fresh air, and moved to the windowsill. The latch was stiff, but after a brief struggle it caved and snapped open. A gentle breeze entered the room and tickled my cheeks. I sighed.
     "Enjoying the day?" Melissa questioned directly behind me.
     I jumped. When did she come back in? I didn't even hear her...
     She laughed heartily. "I'm sorry, Dear. I thought that you saw me."
     "It's fine," I swallowed thickly, suddenly on edge. "The breeze is nice, yes. I haven't felt it in a while."
     "No, I suppose you haven't," She hummed.
     We fell silent. She stared unblinkingly into my eyes.
     I noticed her fiddling with something behind her back.  "Um," I shifted. "What is that?"
     Melissa's eyes suddenly brightened. "Oh, this?" She gestured to the large syringe filled with a strange, amber liquid. "Don't worry, it's just something to help you relax during your checkup."
     I took a step back. My lower back hit the wall and my heart began hammering in my chest. "I really don't think that's necessary."
     "Why are you so antsy, all of a sudden?" Melissa blinked owlishly. "I'm not gonna hurt you! He'd be really mad at me if I did..."
     "Who's 'he'?" I demanded.
     A large grin grew on her face as if she were a child that was about to tell a secret. "Mr. Shiggy!"
     I lurched. My stomach churned as a familiar face surfaced in my mind and I immediately felt dizzy as the weight of her words sunk into me. "Do you mean... Tomura Shigaraki?"
     "Who else?" Melissa questioned innocently. "Without you as leverage, Hitoshi doesn't listen to anybody—he's just so in love!"
     My heart dropped, all of my worst fears coming true. This isn't possible.
     "I wish Izuku loved me like that," she sighed dreamily. "Makes me all tingly inside just thinking about it—oh, I just can't wait to cut him up!"
That's when I snapped out of my shock. Everything seemed to be moving slowly as my hand snaked out to wrap about Melissa's throat. "What did you say?"
     She chocked, giggling maniacally all the while. I watched with morbid curiosity as her body began turning sluggish, what looked to be grey clay coating her entire form until I couldn't see her at all. When the grey mass finally took shape again, I was left strangling a petite blonde girl with lovestruck eyes and an ever growing blush.
     And she was naked.
     She grinned.
     Before I could move to stop her, the large syringe that she had been holding was suddenly injected into the side of my neck. I yelped, instantly releasing my hold.
     "It won't do any lasting damage," she reassured cheerily. "I'm Himiko, by the way. I think that we'll be really great friends!"
     I gasped as a pain so dizzying that my vision went spotty rippled through my body. I fell to my knees.
     "Go to hell," I seethed, gripping my neck.
     "Aw, you're no fun!" She pouted. "Maybe I should cut you, instead."
     "Be my guest, psycho," I spat darkly. "But first, answer one question: Where the fuck are your clothes?"
     Himiko bounced forward to where I was crumpled on the floor and I averted my eyes in embarrassment.
     "Aw, don't be like that! We're both girls here, there's no reason to be so shy," she giggled. "It's not like I can control it. When I change back, everything I'm wearing disappears—my quirk is tricky like that. But it's a pretty good conversation starter, don't ya think?"
     I grimaced. "That's one way of putting it."
     Himiko stuck her tongue out and produced a knife seemingly from out of nowhere. "I wonder what it would be like to be you." She traced my jawline before tipping my chin up with the blade and sighed longingly. "I don't really wanna deal with Mr. Shiggy today, though," she shivered. "Or Hitoshi."
The way she said his name—it was almost as if she were afraid. I laughed loudly.
"What's the joke?" She questioned excitedly. "I wanna know too!"
My mirth faded to a low chuckle and I stared into her yellow eyes without conviction. "Are you scared of what he might do to you, Himiko?" I taunted. "I wonder how he'd react if he found out about this little meeting."
Himiko stiffened slightly at my words, but her hand was steady. "Hmm, you're kind of annoying. I don't see what they see in you," she scrunched up her face, scrutinizing me. "Seriously! Saiki won't shut up about you! It's always (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)... But now that I'm actually face to face with you, I think that he could do better."
I deadpanned, trying not to let show how the thought of Saiki gushing over me made my stomach turn. "Is that so?"
"Yep!" Himiko chirped. "You're cute and all, but you're just so mean! Oh well, I guess the heart wants what it wants. We can't help who we love!"
I swallowed the bile rising in my throat at the word 'love.' Saiki didn't love me. Someone like him couldn't even fathom the meaning.
A wave of nausea overwhelmed me then. Before I knew it, I was on my side with a pounding headache. Whatever serum had been injected into my veins was finally taking hold. The world became fuzzy, swimming colours blurring in and out of focus until I couldn't decipher up from down. I couldn't move.
"What did you do to me?" I slurred.
Himiko giggled and crouched down to my height. Her face was blurry, but I could still see the menacing gleam of her teeth showing through her smile.
"Nothing lethal," she said. "I was sent to retrieve something and I need you calm to do so."
I blinked blankly at her, processing her words slowly. My tongue felt fat.
"I drugged you," she finished simply. "Although, I might have given you too much... oops."
Gritting my teeth, I bit out, "What are you taking from me?"
She hummed, excitement evidently coursing through her veins as she practically bounced on her heels. "Your quirk, silly! At least the part that keeps you in control."
My eyes widened and I instantly tried to struggle. Nothing would move—everything felt like jelly—but I persisted.
"Struggling isn't going to help you." Himiko sighed. "Besides, it's not like your quirk will be stagnant forever—just a few weeks! And then you'll be able to rampage all you want because nothing will be holding you back anymore!"
"Why?" I asked groggily. "What does All For One want with my quirk?"
"I don't know all of the details, but it's not your quirk that he wants per se," she admitted. "From what I've heard, it's more like your soul—oh, I shouldn't have told you that!"
I reeled, unable to stop myself. My soul...?
"What do you mean? That's not possible," I argued tiredly. "I don't even have one..."
"Of course you do," Himiko gave me a strange look. "And you call me crazy."
My eyes began to droop. "You are."
She visibly brightened at my comment and began to giggle again. "Maybe. But you'll be asleep soon anyways, so just try to relax. Okay?"
"Relax? Yeah. Not like I was just drugged by a psychopath that's trying to steal my soul."
"How is it any different than what you do?" Himiko challenged. "You disturb people in death. They don't give you permission to take their souls, either."
"They're already dead," I said hazily. "They no longer have minds of their own to 'give me permission.'"
Himiko stuck her tongue out, seemingly contemplating. "I think that I misjudged. You're a lot more fun that I thought—I like you!"
Great. Approval from a psychopath.
It was becoming too hard to stay awake, my eyelids were too heavy and my body felt too weak. As I finally caved to the darkness, I saw the blushing girl grab an empty syringe and a clear testing tube.
She moved towards my arm whispering "this won't hurt at all," but I was already falling unconscious. Still, I pushed against her.
     "No," she giggled. "Not at all."

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