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Madison's POV:

I woke up and headed to work it was pretty slow today. But then all of the sudden my dad walked in. I haven't seen him in forever. I wonder what he had to say. I hope everybody back home is alright. I know I left suddenly but I had my reasons. You know? You probably don't. But it doesn't matter.

Dad: "Hey Princess."

Me: "Hi dad. Dad this is Jake. Jake this is my dad Kevin Pearson."

Jake: "Big fan of your work sir. Especially your daughter."

Dad: "Madison has told me a lot about you Jake good things of course. And thank you. She is my pride and joy. Madison sweetie if you aren't busy could you join me for lunch?"

Me: "Yeah sure. Let me go ask Captian Holt."

Captain Holt: "Yes?"

Me: "My dad is here. May I take my lunch break early?"

Captian Holt: "Of course."

•••At lunch•••

Me: "What brings you here dad?"

Dad: "It's your grandma."

Me: "What happened?"

Dad: "She unfortunately passed away last night."

Me: "How she was fine the last time I saw her!"

Dad: "She was just old."

Me: "Dad I'm so sorry."

Dad: "Sweetie it's ok it's part of life."

Me: "Does Nick know?"

Dad: "No but here he is."

Nick: "Madison?"

Me: "Hey Nick."

Nick: "Dad what's going on?"

Me: "Grandma passed away."

Dad: "Her funeral is Friday."

Me: "I'll be there."

Nick: "I'll see what I can do."

Me: "Are you kidding me? I'm a police officer! And you're a broadway star and your answer is I'll see what I can do? That should be my answer! It seems that I'm the only who cares about our family these days Nick."

Nick: "I'm sorry. I'll be there."

•••Back at the office•••

Me: "Captian Holt I need to take a few days off it's a family emergency my grandma Rebecca Pearson has unfortunately passed away."

Captian Holt: "Take all the time you need."

Me: "If Jake wants to go could he come with me?"

Captian Holt: "Whatever you need."

Me: "Thank you. If he doesn't come he'll be at work do not give him days off unless he comes with me."

Captain Holt: "I would never. Plus you mean a lot to him. He told me so. He'll go with you I know it. Also he had a case and he'll pick you up tonight at your house for dinner."


Jake: "So Tonight we are going to Wendy's! I love to dip my nuggets and fries into the frostys!"

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Jake: "So Tonight we are going to Wendy's! I love to dip my nuggets and fries into the frostys!"

Me: "I do too! Also Jake I need to ask you something."

Jake: "Anything."

Me: "I have to go back to LA for my Grandma's funeral. I was wondering could you go with me? I hate flying by myself because I hate airplanes if you don't wanna go I understand we've only been dating a few weeks."

He interrupted me by putting his finger on my lip.

Jake: "I'll go anywhere with you."

Me: "I appreciate that."

Jake: "So we're leaving tomorrow?"

Me: "Yeah we could go back to your place and you could pack them we could go back to mine so I could pack. You could sleepover and we could carpool to the airport in the morning."

Jake: "You just want an excuse for me to sleep with you tonight."

Me: "My plan makes sense though. But yes."

•••Back at my House•••

Jake: "Sweet Crib. I've only seen the outside."

Me: "Thanks. What do you even pack for a funeral I've never been to one."

Jake: "Well Anything Black."

Me: "Well yeah but we'll be there for a few days you'll meet my whole family. My uncle Randall, his wife Beth, My Aunt Kate, And you've already met my dad."

Jake: "Don't worry babe I got this."

Me: "Thank you."

Jake: "I'll even hold your hand on the plane."

Me: "I love you."

Me: "Oh wait oh shit I'm sorry this is too soon."

Jake: "It's not. I love you more."

Me: "Oh thank god I thought I made things awkward."

Jake: "Never."

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