Chapter 11: Changes

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"That's it

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"That's it. Over there!"  Iyla shouted over the wind that was hitting them.

"Will you come with me?" She turned her head towards Iyla, her white hair blowing in her face.

"I know you said you had something to-"

"I'm going." He cut her off and a small smile appeared on her face.

"I'll come with you. I can do it another time." He said the turned back, pointing towards a pond in the distance.

"Now. All we have to do is wait for it to open. We only have a certain amount of time to get to it before it closes.

She nodded her head as they made their way towards it and Iyla started to look around before pushing Esme behind him, just in a time as a woman jumped down from a tree, her fiery red hair brushing her face.

Three more jumped down from the trees, stalling towards them just as the portal opened.

"Soul Eaters." Iyla growled.

"You'll live then." Esme told her friend, relief in her voice.

"They're after you, but they'll kill me if it means getting to you." He held his arm protectively around her as he slowly moved backwards.

"Give us the girl." The red heads voice ordered, it wasn't angelic, it was almost dried as if she hadn't had water in days.

"Over my dead body." Iyla glared to them.

"That can be arranged." After she said that all four of the soul eaters opened their mouths widely, almost taking over their whole face, their eyes turning black as their skinned turned grey.

"Get to the portal!" Iyla yelled at Esme as she quickly started to run to the open portal that was in the pond.

The soul eaters started to attack, but Iyla quickly fought them off.

Another one got away and jumped on Esme, but she was quick to defend herself and used one of her blades to stab it in the neck.

The creature let out a horrific cry as it stumbled back a bit.

"Esme Go! You don't have much time!" Iyla shouted.

"I can't leave you here!" She shouted as she quickly ripped the head off of the soul eater.

"Yes you can! I'll be-AHHH!" Iyla let out a scream as one of the soul eaters wrapped their arms around his head and another one pulling his arms back.

"Esme Go!" He cried out as he struggled to get free, the one who had him by the head made him fall to his knees.

The red head soul eater stepped in front of Iyla, letting her face turn back to normal, a smirk on her face.

Iyla looked up at her with a glare then turned to Esme once again.

"Now Esme!" He shouted as the soul eater blocked his view and all he could see now was the smirk on its face and the long claws extending from its fingers.

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