Chapter 4 - Punishing.

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I sat in my study, looking for anything on the princess. My pet had been out for a few hours but she should be waking up soon. I saw one of my subjects, Irons sister, walk in. the chain around her hoofs made it hard for them to walk. 

"What?" I asked. She had tears in her eyes. 

"I-I j-just want t-to k-know w-what you w-what to e-eat." She shuddered. I growled and she ran from the room in fear. Her shuddering was annoying, but nothing like my pet. I didn't mind hers. I sighed as heard a knock. 

"Enter." I said and saw one of my guards.

"S-sire. She has a-awoken." He said. I nodded and stood. Walking down to the dungeon. I heard voices, recognizing that is was Irons.

"And now, because of you, either do we." He said. I walked up and Iron shut up and I saw my pet. 

"So, my little pet is awake." I said. She nodded and I turned to the Iron.

"You and your men are to wait by the stairs." I said. The stallion nodded and walked off. I unlocked the cage and walked in, closing it behind me, but not locking it.

"M-my K-king." She stuttered but I hit her. I didn't want to but she had to be punished. 

"That is for stopping me from killing that wrenched Alicorn." I said and smacked her again. I saw her fall and when she looked at me, i saw blood. My heart dropped but I didn't show it.

"And that is because I didn't kill her, but I did remove her from my empire." I said. She stood up slowly, and closed her eyes. I was impressed. Most ponies cry and beg for there life but she didn't. I summoned her chain and placed it around her neck. She eyes shot opened.

"Come pet." I said and she followed. I saw Iron was waiting by the stairs, along with the others.

"You may return to your posts." I said. The stallions nodded and walk up the stairs before I lead her up them. I still don't trust my guards, well I trust Iron. He and I grew up together. He was my first pick and the only one i never was rude to, but I never showed it to the other ponies.  

"I'm very disappointed in you pet, but I have to admit, You did what I asked." I said as I lead her back to my study. I would show her reword later. I sat on my chain at my desk. 

"Sit by me pet." I said. She sat on the ground by me and was quiet. I finished three books but the fourth one was the same as the first three, I growled and threw it in anger. 

"Damn! This is all useless information!" I yelled. I was trying to calm down. 

"My King?" I heard, but just barley. I looked at my pet. 

"What pet?" I asked. My voice was anger, but not at her.

"W-What are you looking for?" She asked. I sighed and looked at my desk.

"Information about Celestial and her sister." I said but then smiled. I looked at my pet. She was from their empire. 

"Pet, I just got the best idea." He said and was about to demand her to tell me about them when i heard a knock. I growled and looked to the door. 

"Enter!" I shouted angrily and saw Irons sister walk in, pushing a cart with the food on it.  

"K-King. I have your food." She said. I sighed and nodded. We both needed to eat before I asked her for the information. She walked over and used her magic to lift the plate, setting in front of Me. I looked at the hay before using my magic and brought it to my pets face. 

"Eat it." I said, knowing if it was poison, Irons sister would stop my pet from eating it.          

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