chapter 3- the first day in a new town

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Put your story text here...Okay so here's chapter 3! Not posting till I have at least 5 votes!! So tell everyone you know to give me some feedback! Thanks!!!!!


Chapter 3- The first day in a new town!

I woke up to the strident grunt noises and the banging of people's feet trying to move furniture up the stairs. I tried to ignore it but right as I was drifting back to sleep someone started banging on my door. So I got up grabbed my gym hoodie pulling it over my head as I opened the door. Expecting to see Taylor or my dad I said "what do you want?" but when I finish getting my hoodie on and opened my eyes neither of them were standing there. Instead I came face to face with the boy from next door.

"Sorry to wake you but your dad told me to wake you up" he said

"Oh I'm sorry I thought it was someone else" I said blushing and looking down at my feet

"It's okay, I'm Tyler" he said holding his hand out. I grabbed his hand and tried to say hi, I'm Cassandra but instead it came out as

"Hi I'm Cassss"


"Cassandra, but you can call me Cassie" I said trying to ignore the tingling feeling that was going through my body from his touch.

"Oh okay" Tyler said. "Your dad wants you to get dressed and come outside."

"Okay, can you tell him I'll be right there?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, but first can you help me get this desk into your room?"


Tyler walked around to the back of the desk and picked it up. I picked my end up and walked into my room. We put the desk on the wall between the window and the doors.

"Thanks for the help Tyler"

"No problem, you better hurry before you dad gets mad."

"Right, see you in a few?"


Tyler left the room and I quickly pulled on a pair of soffie's, a gym t-shirt, and a pair of flip-flops. I ran down the stairs and saw Tyler leaning against the counter drinking some water. He pointed towards the door as I gave him a confused look. I smiled and ran out the door. When I got outside I see my dad and Taylor throwing the football back and forth. As I walk towards Taylor, who has the ball, says "think fast Cass" as he throws the ball towards me. I catch it skillfully and throw it to my dad in a perfect spiral.

All of a sudden Taylor starts laughing, I him confused look and he points behind me. When I turn around I see Tyler standing there with his mouth wide open, starring at me. So I say "Tyler close your mouth or you'll catch a fly!"

Tyler shuts his mouth and says "how in the heck did you do that?"

"Well you see my good old dad here was the starting varsity quarterback all fours years in high school and the starting qb all threw college. Oh and Taylor here was the starting varsity qb at our old school in Washington. Therefore being the oldest girl in the family I was taught how to play football and baseball by the age of five." I replied. Tyler just stared at me.

"Then why are you wearing a gymnastics shirt?"

"Oh I'm a level nine gymnast; hopefully I find a good gym here so I don't have to give it up. I love all kinds of sports and I'm good at football and baseball, but I have a penchant for gymnastics and I've competed all over the state of Washington. I've been regionally and nationally ranked for three years"

"Oh wow you sound just like my little sister!"

"Really?!?! Is she a gymnast?"

"Yeah she is a level nine too and she's a sophomore just like you"

"Oh my gosh that's amazing! Wait how did you know that I'm a sophomore? And how old are you?"

"I told him and he's a junior like me sis! Oh and all four of us are going to Darnell together." Taylor replied.

"That's so cool! Is your sister home?" I said turning back to Tyler

"No she's at a fundraiser for the gym but she should be home soon. I'll take you to meet her when she gets home if you want me too" Tyler offered

"That would be great! Thanks!"

"No problem! Hey Taylor pass me the ball." Tyler said. He caught the ball and looks at me and says "go long"

So I kick off my shoes and start running. He throws the ball perfectly and me being my clumsy self tripped over my own feet and fell on the hard street.

The next thing I know I wake up to a beeping sound, bright lights and that weird tingling feeling as someone is holding my hand and singing to me.


I'm sorry but I had to have some drama!!! Thanks for reading I will not be posting the fourth chapter till I have at least 5 votes!!! So tell your friends to vote. Comment and fan!


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