The Final Chapter

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I know it skips ahead majorly, but I really just wanted to get this finished.

If you read my last chapter, the author's note, you know why.

This didn't do as well as I'd hoped and it's not only that but, I didn't get into writing it as much as I thought I would. I mean, I did at first but then it just became hard to keep it going and to think of what happens next.

So, this will be the final chapter, obviously.

I do apologize for this being such an incredibly short fanfic, but I'd rather finish it and have it be short than to just erase all the work I've put into it.

This chapter hopefully will not be confusing because of the switching different point of views and such. 

Btw, over 2,800 words :D I know it's alot, but I hope you like it anyway! It's worth it I promise!

So here we go :)


Day 60

I know I haven't written in awhile, but a lot of stuff has happened since then. I wouldn't want to bore you, but this will be it, so I might as well. I'll start off with the last day that I wrote. Day 30. I explained how I woke up into the hospital, because of the fact I cut a slit a little too deep on my wirst. I got nothing but shit that day when I woke up. I didn't appreciate that at all. The boys and my family, nothing but yelling. Ok, I get it, you don't have to scream it.

I stayed in the hospital for another week after that. They wanted to make sure I was "ready" go go back home. What the fuck was that suppose to mean? Well, I guess I know what that means, and I don't blame them for thinking that way.

When I finally got back from the hospital, I did what I always had done and layed in bed each and every day. I finally finished the song I wrote for you babe. It's going to be on the next album. I think you'll love it. I'm the only one that sings it which I think makes it even better. That's just my opinion. But anyway back to what happened in that month I was gone.

My mum got in contact with me shortly after I arrived back home. She wanted me to come visit again because she wanted to make sure I was still doing okay and shit like that. I agreed to go visit for 2 weeks this time. I absolutely hated it, but it was the last thing I could do to make her happy.

I had a horrible time. She wouldn't let me sleep in. She made me eat and she forced me to go on walks with her every day. She thought it would help. In a way, I guess it did. It got my mind off some of the pain, but not all of it. And I didn't expect it too. But the eating really killed me. I got sick everytime she made me eat. Which of course that upset her even more but I can't help that. I can't make everyone happy all the damn time, seriously.

Gemma tried so hard to do things with me too but with all the shit mum was forcing me to do, I have to be honest I wanted nothing to do with my sister. I got calls every day from the lads. They all stayed at the flat again to watch over it for me. They never touched anything, I made sure of it. The calls would just be calls asking how I was and if I was feeling any better. Of course the answers were always, no and I'm as fine as I can be right now.

2 weeks. 2 weeks was a fucking long time. I couldn't wait to get back to our flat. As soon as I opened the door I got attacked by the lads all hugging me. I hugged them back. We then all sat on the couch and chairs and talked. We talked about you and my time in Holmes Chapel. Mostly you though. You're all I ever want to talk and think about. But, that's just obviously I feel.

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