~Chapter 6~

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Eren's POV

I awoke with a start. Oh yeah, and of fucking course, a boner.

"Damn, it was all a dream?" I stood up to go take care of my 'problem'. Ended up moaning out a lot. So glad I didn't wake up Levi or there might have been trouble.

I started the bath and stripped down. I sat down in the tub, and just sat there for a while, thinking.

'What if, he feels the same? What if he doesn't? I've never told anyone I'm gay. I didn't even know myself until I met Levi. What should I do? I should just be straight up with him like "Levi, I'm gay and I love you." No, that's too blunt and would probably traumatize him. Maybe I should wait it out and see if he ever makes a move? No, it might never happen then. I guess since it was just a dream, I have time to think this out.'

I stopped when I heard the door to my bedroom open. Dammit I really should've put in a door for my bathroom and put a curtain up around my shower. Great, now he'll see me naked if he walks in here.

"Eren? I'm hungry." I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom.


"What? Why?"

"Because I'm taking a fucking bath and I'm naked? Why else?"

"Oh, uh, n-nevermind. I'll wait until you finish."

"Wait did you say you were hungry? What'd you want to eat?"

"It'd be nice if you had waffles and fruit. Then we could make some waffles and I could teach you secrets on how to make them delicious."

"Oh, alright. Meet me downstairs, I need to get ready."

"Oh and Eren, one more question..."

"Yeah?" I wonder what it was.

"Why is there a picture of me on your wall? I meant to ask yesterday, but you fell asleep as soon ad you got home."

"Uh.." I looked for an excuse, because the real reason I didn't want to admit just yet. "Because.. My art teacher said I needed to draw different things, and seeing as I usually draw scenery or something, I thought I would do a portrait." Yeah, that seemed like a good answer.

"Oh, okay. I'll go wait downstairs. Bye Eren~" Oh my god, the way he said my name made my heart skip a beat, maybe even two. I finally decided to actually clean myself and then hopped out of the tub, pulling the drain on my way out. It's a good thing I didn't walk out while he was there, because I forgot and left my clothes on the bed.

I grabbed my white hoodie and dark blue skinny jeans and put them on. Standing in front of the mirror, I pulled my hair in different ways until I thought it looked decent.

I'm not sure we have any waffles or fruit, so I pulled on some shoes so that we could go to the store. I walked out into the living room to see that Levi was watching that interesting show again.

There was a giant thing that was fighting another giant thing. Yeah, I don't even know what they are. One had glowing caribbean eyes and chocolate hair. The other had blond hair and blue eyes. Oh yeah, and lots of people were dying. Then it went to commercial.

"Oi, brat, when are we going to make breakfast?"

"We need to go to the store first and get ingredients. You ready to go?" He nodded in response and we walked out the door to my car. I opened up his door and told him to get in. It was interesting to watch because I don't think he's ever rode in a car and he looked confused, which I thought was adorable.

He finally managed to get in the car and I went to the driver's side to get in. Starting up the vehicle, I noticed Levi didn't have his seat belt on. "Levi, why aren't you wearing your seat belt?"

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