The 14 Creepiest Websites on the Internet

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1. Best Gore: Canadian gore site that got its founder thrown in jail Best Gore is not a compilation of your favorite Al Gore clips - it's a Canadian shock site with graphic videos of things like beheadings and dismemberment. The owner of the site was actually arrested for violating Canadian public morals and obscenity laws. However, contributors continue to keep the site active by posting every day.

2. Plane Crash Info: audio of plane crash pilots' last words, and more Plane Crash Info gives you accident stats, reports, maps, photos, and last words of plane crash victims. Want to read the transcript from the Flight 93 cockpit on September 11th, 2001? Of course not! Unfortunately, this creepy website gives you that and more, as people can even listen to MP3s of flights crashing, accompanied by the final words of those on board.

3. White Enamel: a horrifying walk through an abandoned psychiatric hospital White Enamel is a creepy online game wherein you point and click your way around a haunted insane asylum. Arguably more like a horror movie than a fun game, White Enamel will haunt you from its creepy soundtrack of an old man singing to its abandoned location. The word "eerie" does not begin to describe this site, which will be a bad choice for those who get easily scared. White Enamel is a "walkthrough" game that might land you in an abandoned psychiatric hospital yourself once you're done playing it.

4. Hashima Island: a place to explore the real "forgotten world" off the coast of Japan Hashima Island lets people of the internet drag and click around this "forgotten world" off the coast of Japan. What is so creepy about this site is that Hashima Island is a real place, known as "the ghost island of Japan". From the "Stairway to Hell" to the Coal Mine, this website was brilliantly designed to creep absolutely everyone out. It even uses Google Street Views to make you feel like you are really in this eery and terrifyingly real location.

5. Death Map: cataloging the world's deaths, in real time Death Map shows you, in real time, a statistical simulation of people dying and being born around the world. On an interactive map, red dots pop up for deaths and green dots pop up for births. In case the latter is too uplifting, the creepiest route is to only check off the "Show Deaths" box and essentially watch people die across the globe. There will even be the occasional sign next to the dots indicating their religion (i.e. a cross for a dead Christian).

6. Death Date: a site that will tell you when you're going to die Death Date asks you the question, "So you want to know when?" Plug in some data about yourself in the Death Form and learn your approximate expiration date. Based on your height, weight, birthdate, gender, and the stimulants you ingest (ie. cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs), this site calculates the day you will die. If your predicted death date wasn't creepy enough, the site gives you exactly how much time you theoretically have left to live. This includes right down to the seconds as well as a "percent of life passed" section just so you can see how much you are wasting your life.

7. Death Row Information: a real-time database of death row inmates' last words Death Row Information compiles things you never wanted to know from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Peruse the site to check out the next upcoming execution on the calendar, or learn more about the people currently on Death Row. One one page, a chart of executed offenders gives you the name, county, race, age, and date of death. In fact, you can click on a link to read the last statement left by the man or woman before their execution.

8. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost: online comic that will scare the sh*t out of you Boncheon-Dong Ghost is an online comic that is far from comical. In fact, it's downright disturbing. That is why Dong Ghost comes with a "trigger warning" and it is also why most people barely stick around for more than a minute on this website. Scroll down on the page to start the comic.

9. Crytpomundo: scary accounts of people encountering creatures that shouldn't be real Crytpomundo is chock full of conspiracy theories that you never believed or never wanted to hear. This creepy community is full of male contributors who document their adventures hunting down made-up beings like Chupacabras or Bigfoot. It largely consists of blog posts that describe frightening and mysterious sightings of monsters and creatures around the world.

10. Fifth Nail: a convicted serial killer and violent sexual predator' blog Fifth Nail is the blog of a convicted serial killer and violent sexual predator. The pedophile, who has been raping young people since he was a teenager in the 70s, also happens to be an avid blogger. This blog is rarely updated but the sex offender and murderer, Joseph E. Duncan III, reportedly hand wrote posts from prison and sent them to a creep who typed them up on the site. People who want to get inside the mind of a maniac can browse this scary online journal.

11. Skyway Bridge: tracking the suicides from one of the most popular suicide bridges in the US Skyway Bridge is named after the fourth most popular bridge to commit suicide from, and this website tracks those suicides. People can click around and find recent people who have jumped off the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, which is on the West Coast of Florida. The "jumper pages" creepily take you back through the decades in order to see just how long and popular this deadly tradition is. On one part of the site, you can even fill out an online form in order to report a "jumper" who has leaped to his or her death (including a link to their Facebook page).

12. A Columbine Site: cataloging the 1999 mass shooting A Columbine Site is exactly what it sounds like: it offers documents and videos you never wanted to learn about the shooting in Columbine High School. For those looking to relive this horrible 1999 mass shooting, or perhaps gain further insight into the killers, this is a one-stop shop. People can watch creepy videos of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold before they became murderers, and trace the killers' routes through the school on that fateful day. The site warns viewers about its disturbing content and rightfully advises them to proceed with caution.

13. Darwin Time: a borderline-incoheren­t compilation of conspiracy theories and disturbing images Darwin Time is a messy compilation of conspiracy theories and disturbing images. Its borderline-incoheren­t main page discusses the need for a world revolution and includes photos of things ranging from Hitler to Woodstock. The creepiest thing about this site, though, is - by far - the fact that the thousands of hyperlinks embedded in the text actually work. The Twitter account associated with the website has been suspended.

14. Rate My Poo (self-explanatory) Rate My Poo is one of the creepiest and literally crappiest sites on the internet. People upload photographs of their recently-excreted waste while other people rate the photos. This is the number one place to check out other peoples' feces on the web and you can find out the date, age, and gender of the pooper in question. This website is not for the squeamish and leads one to wonder: who isthis website for?

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