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The German word Poltergeist means "A mischievous spirirt" or more simply known as "Noisy Ghost". They are known for Knocking, rapping, throwing or slowly moving things. Ordinarily they remain invisible provoking human consternation by their tricks. The agent for poltergeist activity is often a child or even teenager Call your officemates cause the following paperworks are creepy 1) Rude witch The focus or agent for this witch was Betsy Bell12 years old.The witch hated her father and harrased his father until he dies. At her father's funeral the witch sang "Row me up some brandy" She showed up as a Doglike Creature or resembles as a Turkey. It made a numerous noises, pinched and slapped people, prevented betsy from marrying her sweetheart and dropped fruits in the table. One day Gen. Andrew Jackson tried to visit the bell family but the witch stopped its wagon. Jackson'scompanion fired a silver bullet at the witch. It disappeared in 1821 promising to return in seven years. She did make a brief reappearance saying she would comeback in 107 years. 2) Attic Poltergeist A poltergeist lived 12 years in the house of Joseph Procter. It knocked, banged, threw things, whistled and said "Chuck chuck" and "Never mind...come and get". It lifted beds, rang bells and slammed doors. The night before the Procter family moved from their new house,they heard sound of boxes being dragged around in the attic, as if the poltergeist were planning to move with them.... 3) Tableau Poltergeist Eliakin Phelps came home from church with his family when they found 11 figures (10 female) dressed in family's clothes (Invisible but somebody is wearing it). In 18 months, messages were written, something grew in the carpet. Two older children experienced it. The boy once found coma in the haystack and the girl was nearly strangled....to Death.

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