Beacon Academy

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You sat in the corner of the air ship that's transporting all of the new students to Beacon, Looking amongst the students no one looked particularly interesting until your eyes landed on the girls you met at Junior's club, she was talking to a younger girl in a red hood. As you got up to go talk to her a boy with red hair falls over at your feet. You hear the sound of laughter coming from a big guy wearing armor with a bird on it and realized the boy was probably tripped by him.

You: Hey you ok there?

Red-haired boy: Y-Yeah I think so.

You extend a hand to help the boy up which he accepted, you then noticed this boy was short, probably no taller than 5'2. The boy smiles at you while scratching the back of his head nervously.

Ty: Thanks, I can be a bit clumsy sometimes. My name is Tiberius Bolt but people just call me Ty.

You: Names Y/n L/n.

Ty: So you going to train to be a Huntsmen too?

You: (Looking in Yang's direction) Yeah you could say that.

Ty: Aren't Huntsmen the coolest I hope to be one-

You: Look that's great Ty but there's someone I got to talk to so I'll catch you later.

Ty: Uh ok then, thanks again.

You pat Ty's shoulder as you head over to talk to Yang but as you got close you realized the ship had already started to land, once the doors opened students flooded to it sweeping you along with then, once you were outside you saw Yang was gone.

Ty: (walking up behind you) Everyone was sure in a hurry.

You: (disappointed) Yeah.

Ty: So where are you from?

You: Mistral.

Ty: Really, I've only ever read books about Mistral. I've read that it's really diverse there.

You: Yeah it's really diverse alright.

Ty: I never had a chance to leave Vale that's why I want to be a Huntsmen so I can travel the world.

Before you could respond both of you were caught off guard by a sudden explosion. You hurried to the cause with Ty following right behind you. When you arrived you saw that it was the Red hooded girl that was talking with Yang but she was being yelled at by a familiar looking girl in white.

White: "Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"

Red: "Well, I-I..."

You cut in between the two arguing girls.

You: Now now girls let's all relax before you two cause another explosion.

Both girls looked at you confused for a moment before the white haired girl goes back to her tirade.

White: "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!"

Red: (finally fed up) "Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!"

Suddenly a girl wearing a black bow walk up to the two yelling girls holding a dust vial.

Black: It's heiress, actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

You: Oh right, I knew she looked familiar.

Weiss: (smiling smugly) "Finally! Some recognition!"

Twice as Bright  Yang Xiao Long x Male reader. (Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now