Emerald Forest

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As I neared the ground I reached my hand out grabbing a nearby tree branch, using the momentum from the fall I managed to do a stylish flip before landing to the ground in a crouched position.

You: Nailed it. (Looks around) Now which way to those ruins.

You closed your eyes used your aura to amplify your hearing, you could hear gunshots already going off in the distance. The other students must have already gotten into trouble, you let out a loud whistle and waited for Ikaros to show up, the eagle announces his arrival with a loud screech as you held out your arm for him to perch on.

You: Hey Bud, wanna do me a quick favor?

Ikaros does his own version of rolling his eyes before turning his head in disinterest.

You: Ok fine, help me out and I'll whip up your favorite salmon.

Ikaros perks up with sudden interest as you let him fly off, he circles around in the sky before flying off in the direction where the temple most likely was. You take off running in the same direction that Ikaros went. After running for a few minutes you hear a loud growl coming from a nearby bush. Suddenly a boy comes flying out from the bush and lands on the ground in front of you.

Ty: (getting up in pain) Ow that hurt. (Notices you) Oh hey Y/n.

You: Looks like your having fun.

Ty: (nervous laugh) Yeah sure, fun.

As you go to help him up there was another rustling in the brushes and a Ursa comes charging out. You quickly push Ty to the side as the Ursa slashed downward at you. The attack missed as you stood there facing down the Ursa.

You: Well hello beastie.

Ty: Be careful that thing is strong.

You: Thats nice, I could use a warm up.

The Ursa lets out a huge roar before trying to slash at you again, you simply jumped and flipped over it while throwing a couple aura infused cards into its back but they did no damage because of the grimm's thick hide.

Ty: See even your cards don't work we should just run.

You: Thats good, otherwise the fight wouldn't be any fun.

At Ty's confused expression you put you remaining cards into your pocket and got into your fighting stance. The Ursa takes charge again with its claws raised but this time you swung your leg kicking it's arm back then following up with an axe kick to its head cracking it into the ground.

You: (Sighs) See only two hits and it's dead.

Ty: T-that was amazing I can't believe we're going to be partners.

You: Partners?

Ty: Yeah weren't you listening to what Professor Ozpin said on the cliff, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next for years.

The truth was you hadn't been paying attention, you figured you'd just be assigned to a team after this whole thing was over.

You: Well I guess we're partners.

The was a sudden screech from the air, you and Ty look up to see Ikaros circling the sky wanting you to follow him.

Ty: Is that an eagle?

You: Yup and it looks like he found the ruins come on.

{Glynda's POV}

Glynda: The last pair has been formed, sir. (taps the screen) Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos. (the video changes to Pyrrha and Jaune Arc's trek through the woods)

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