Forever Falls

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You and the other students are out on a trip through the vibrant red forest of Forever Falls.

Glynda: (to the group) "Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. (Glares at you) Well most of you.

Ty: Did something happen between you and Goodwitch?

Akio: Yeah she really must not like your guts.

You: (shrugs) forbidden attraction hidden in the form of malice.

Ellie: (signs) Really?

You: (chuckles) No not really.

The group stops, and Jaune, grunting and carrying a large case with six empty glass jars on top, tries to catch up with them and ends up bumping into Cardin. The bully scowls at Jaune, who attempts to feign innocence by whistling tunelessly.

Glynda: (still instructing her group, holding up a full jar of their objective) "Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!"

You watch as Jaune instead of going with his team, follows team CRDL in the forest, you then turn to see Ren and Nora looking at him with concern but Pyrrha on the other hand just heads off into the forest.

Nora: Jaune has been hanging out with Cardin a lot more than he has with us lately.

Pyrrha: (angrily walking away) "I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing."

Nora and Ren exchange glances before following her. You don't remember ever seeing Pyrrha upset at someone like that.

Ty: Hey Y/n we're heading out, you coming?

You: Yeah I'm coming.

Time skip of Nora chugging sap while team's RWBY and TEA(Y/I) cheers.

You and your team decided to hang out with JNPR and RWBY to collect sap, Ruby watched Weiss and Ty arguing about the best way to get sap from a tree while Ellie sat with Blake under a nearby tree reading a book. Akio was with Ren to keep Nora from drinking all the sap he's collected. You on the other hand just laid back against one of the trees enjoying the beautiful day.

Yang: (approaching you) Aren't you going to collect any sap?

You: (pointing to two full jars) I think that would be enough.

Yang: Is there anything you can't do?

You: Hmm I can't draw a perfect circle.

Yang laughs at that before her expression goes a bit sad.

Yang: So I couldn't help but notice that you've beenwatching Pyrrha for awhile now.

You: Yeah there's something going on between Cardin and Jaune and I'm sure Pyrrha knows exactly what it is.

Yang: Is that so, I wonder where he is now.

You: He's about 50 meters south east.

Yang looks at you in confusion.

Yang: How do you know that?

You: (standing up) Oh right I haven't introduced you have I?

Yang: Introduced me to who.

You let out a loud whistle, after a few moments you heard Ikaros's cry as you flew towards the two and landed on the branch of the tree next to you.

Twice as Bright  Yang Xiao Long x Male reader. (Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now