New Team

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Ozpin: Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark. (the screen of the auditorium shows each of their profiles as the boys are lined up for the applauding audience to see as Ozpin continues) The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!

The audience gives one more wave of ovation, while four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR.

Amid the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

Ozpin: Led by... Jaune Arc!

Jaune: Huh? L-Led by...?

Ozpin: Congratulations, young man.

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but her "fine leader" is knocked over and falls to his butt in front of the laughing audience.

You: Jaune's the leader huh, well I guess he'll grow into the roll.

Ozpin: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. (motions over the four as they stand before him) The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Weiss looks to her right surprised, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang goes over to hug her sister.

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

Ty: (clapping) Way to go Ruby!

You: Looks like he saved the best for last.

Ty: This is so exciting, I'm sure you'll be a great leader Y/n.

You: (awkward laugh) You think so.

Ozpin: And finally; Tiberius Bolt. Elaine Cornaro. Akio Marina. And  F/n L/n. The four of you have retrieved the white king pieces. From this day forward you shall work together as team TEA(Y/I ) led by Tiberius Bolt.

The crowd cheers as Ty goes as pale as a ghost, you snap your fingers in front of his face causing him to snap up.

Ty: Huh?! Me? There's got to be some mistake.

You slap your hand down hard against his back.

You: Relax man, a leader always has to have his head held up.

Ty: Y-your not mad?

You: (grins) Nope, Just make sure you don't hold me back, Alright leader.

Ty: R-right!

Ozpin: (amid the last round of cheers) It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year.

As the cheering starts to die down your two new teammates make their way over to you and Ty. Akio was a tall girl that almost reached you in height and long hair that covers her entire back. The other was a shorter girl with white hair that walked slowly behind her.

Akio: So you two are our teammates, hope we can get along I'm Akio Marina and this over here is Elaine but you can call her Elli, we're both from Vacuo.

You: Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n from Mistral and this here is. (Gestures to Ty)

Ty: Tiberius Bolt but you can just call me Ty.

Twice as Bright  Yang Xiao Long x Male reader. (Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now