Adrain Part 5

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Guards enter the room from the sound of Adrian roars.

Guards start charging at him he punches one of it's sends flying, put another in a head chokes him in a headlock. He clenches his fist lighting appears he straightens his hand like stiff handshake the lighting sharpens turns into saber charges at Dr. Harold starts swinging it like a crazed man with a knife.

" You really think you can kill me, boy, I been doing this for years no one has stopped me. I WILL END YOU, CHILD ....."He stops talking as notices the blade pierces his chest.

" You talk too much," he says coldly as removes the blade aggressively. Dr. Harold collapses on the floor.

Reggie quickly comes in the room and sees his master bleeding out.

" Don't bother saving him," Adrian says as he leaves the room.

Reggie bandages him up to top the bleeding and stitches him up.

Outside the room Adrian he walks in the hallway seeing his comrades in cryo hibernation pods the guards line up horizontally waiting to take Adrian out and he starts taking down all the guards one by one with little mercy.

The guard had little effect on him it was if Dr.Harold had angered a demigod of lightning.He heads toward the exit and starts cutting through a steel door with his lighting blade in a circular motion and kicks it down.

Finds a computer and sees there is a chopper on the right side next to him. Troy, Artemis, Duncan, and Thalia. They follow him to a chopper but they are stopped by Reggie.

" What?" Adrian said coldly.

" Stay safe, alright."

" Why aren't you coming with us? " Artemis asked.

" Right now I just a liability, I have to keep him alive, which a lot harder now since Adrian turn him into a shish kebab."

"Not my problem". Adrian says coldly.

" Well, I wish we all could have got to known each other in better circumstances." Artemis rushes to hug her current father figure.

" Bye." She says in sadness.

" Adrian, please don't continue on this path of anger it leads to darkness," Reggie said.

" No promises." Adrian powers deactivate his hair turns back to his normally brown hair and so does his eyes.

They leave. They take the chopper to a safe location where they lived for a few months. During that Adrian and Thalia began to develop feelings for each other, they hang out basically everyday but during that Troy and Adrain began to hold grudges to one of another. Adrian felt guilty about their parent's death to the point he just wanted to leave and forget that kind of lifestyle. Then he remembered that Dr. Harold had a facility dedicated to that cause.

Thalia found out tracked him down. She teleported to his destination to convince her boyfriend.

A few hours later.

" Are you sure you want to do this? "Thalia asked.

" Yeah," Keith said.

"But what if you forget me?" Thalia said.

" Even if that did happen, I pretty sure I will remember a beautiful face like yours.

" But what about Artemis and Troy they'll be hurt by this, they're like your family and they will not understand why you did it. They will be severely pissed."

"This is too much to bear, most of my life has been nothing but pain, I just want to forget it all. "" How will this help anyone? She says trying not to cry.

" You guys don't have to deal with me screwing everything up all the time and besides who can actually say that I am a good person. I lost my temper and put and the entire gang in the hospital and on top that Troy my own brother hates me. So this will help a lot of people.

" I love you so much," Adrian said...

" I love you too, but don't leave me." She grabs his hands begging him to reconsider.

" I won't let you do this to yourself," Thaila said in tears.

" Forgive me," Adrian says.

" Forgive you for what?" She asked.

" I can love you, and let you go so we're done, Thalia." He sends electricity his hands and shocked her. She collapses onto the floor.

He carries her to a ship and puts in the coordinates of where their apartment, he sets it to autopilot.

" Take care and goodbye." Hits the start but the ship takes off.

Adrian gets in his capsule behind him pulls out a remote and press a blue button. A giant gun points to the capsule fire a blue ray after it finishes firing. Adrian is unconscious.

Present Time

Keith wakes up back in the unknown area.

" Where am I? " Keith says.

" You been out for a whole day," Duncan says.

" So do you remember me." He says he bends down to his level." Yeah, I remember everything," Keith says.

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