Chapter 6

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Keenan Point of View

This is unacceptable!

What! Those whisker weasels are my brothers?

Freaking Sh*t

That girl is a complete crack. She degraded me to the level of a laboratory rat and what did she say,

'You all look so similar like you are all a part of a same egg'

The heck!

How in the hell do I resemble a white whisker weasel?

With my handsome fame people are going crazy and girl always concoct plans to get me for themselves. But what has this tongue twisted girl made me into?

A f**king rainbow color rat.

"Stop looking at me, you little weasel." I grumbled when I noticed Bell girl's little rats staring at me quietly for a while then communicating within themselves, god knows what, probably about me.

"This is your sh*t and your crack minded sister gave me, Keenan Coopers, the only heir and the CEO of Coopers Empire, the task of cleaning your dirty clothes." I stomped my foot in absolute anger. "This is intolerable."

"You must be thinking so high of yourself when the Bell girl kept you in the same level of a human like me! You fair rats just watch, tomorrow she might bring a new bug and will mate you with it. She is that crazy I tell you." I shook my head in exasperation and looked at the stinking colour cloth pads which are supposed to be washed by me.

What sin had I done to be in predicament like this?

Even my own grandpa and mother told me to suck it up and act like a man. Why are they supporting a nobody like that nurse Bell and showing a blind eye when their own blood is suffering from embarrassment?

"Excuse me Mr. Coopers" I heard the sweetest words ever. Mr. Coopers! How honey sweet to hear the correct name?

I looked up towards my PA walking inside my office with hand full of files. If I didn't know she did not shower from ten days, then I would have kissed her for calling me by my name correctly.

She thinks she can cover up her stinking odor with the help of branded perfumes, but dear, even the most popular brand cannot help with her body odor.

Why can't she just shower a little? I don't ask her for ten minutes of bath but just... just a mug of water can do much better than infecting my lungs with her reek.

What a fate... Two women I'm unfortunate to meet daily and both have something to stench.

One has a reeking body and the other has a stinking mouth.

What a fate seriously!

"Uh Mr. Coopers? Are you talking to your new pets?" Libra asked, placing the heap of files on my table and took few steps back. "Ouch, please don't tell Miss Bell that I addressed your brothers as pets." She suddenly looked scared and folded her hands pleading me profusely.

Woah, I did not even see her scared of me this much.

"Shut the hell up. They are nothing to me so get out before I throw you out." I bellowed at her suggestion of being the same family at those fair rainbow rats.


"Of course, Mr. Coopers. By the way, Miss Bell has ordered me to get an update on the very important task she has given you. What do you want me to tell her, sir?" She asked professionally for the first time in two years of her working here but her eyes looked around my room curiously.

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