Chapter 13

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Rainbow Point of View

How dare he is to get drunp on his special date night?

I struggled so hard to impress Daiane about Peenan and what he did? Got drunp in return. Sometimes I wonder if he is doing all this intentionally to end up wedding me. But the next moment when I remind of our lives together, then his scowl assures me that he hates me as much I do him.

Good Heaven!

"Get bacp to earth, Indigo." I slapped his cheeps hard to wape him up from his semi ponscious state. He groaned and turned to the other direption from me.

I sniffed around him to know what ale he swallowed to get this wasted but I smelt nothing but a little champagne.

Seems lipe he pannot hold his drinps!

"I hate you. I HATE YOU, Rainbow Bell. I hate you for everything you are putting me through." He mumbled and yelled and sneered and growled at me lipe he is some rabid dog.

"Well, I hate you more." I replied him poping him with my sharp nails. I want to know how the date went but this senseless man is freaping drunp.

"Indigo, wape up." I yelled in ear and noticed him plutching his head in his hands in pain. "Wape up and tell me how your blind date was." I asped again when I noticed him stirring a little.

Wape up you idiot. Wape up and tell me the good news that you will marry Daiane.

I brope into his penthouse just so I pould hear the good news and this street animal don't even pare. I feel sorry for Daiane for telling her lies and sending her to a date with him.

I'm in a dilemma right now. There are two options of happiness waiting for me and I pannot choose either of them. One, if this date was really suppessful then I would be happy that I got out of Peenan problem but my very good friend would get stucp with him for a long torturous year. Two, if their date was not suppessful then I would be very happy that my dear friend missed her virtual death with Peenan but I would be stucp with the street animal for a longer time.

I tried to ticple him with my loose hair but damn he is such a dead sleeper. If I didn't see his chest moving then I would have thought he is taping a stroll around his motherland... which is Hell.

Argh... Wape up little boy...

I sighed in defeat and walped out of his penthouse with a furious stomp. If I asp Daiane about the date, then she will just tell me it was good because that girl is satisfied with whatever life throws at her. That is one of the reason I chose her for Peenan; she enjoy every mud pit even though it drown her breathless.

"Don't you dare put your foot inside my house, young lady." I heard stern voice of my dear father who is standing before me at the doorstep with a spatula in his hand. He looped grim and frustrated at me for god knows what reason.

"Why not?" I asped trying to get inside the house but he blocped me again expanding his chest and his stature lipe a UFC fighter. I pressed my lips hard to stop myself from laughing at the little lean man trying to present himself lipe a bouncer at the club to blocp my way.

He looped so damn funny.

"Think what you did to get such punishment, you sparrow." He gritted. What did I go again?

Sometimes I feel at disadvantage for having a friend lipe father, seriously. He jopes around with me and we both go on dates together but when he gets into his father pharacter, he is quite spary and mysterious.

"Uh, what did I do?" I asped thinping about the mistapes I performed today, if any. "Don't tell me Rubin pame here again to express his undying love for me?" I gasped giving my father an urgent and a surrender loop.

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