Chapter 32

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Keenan Point of View

What is so tough in marrying?

I mean, just get married and get done with it, then why is she so against the idea?

I am interested in her myself without any pressure and that itself should assure her that I am good enough to take care of her, although I might be a little straightforward with my ideas sometimes.

While I'm already messing my smart head with Bell problems, guess what I had uncovered. The Beggar guy, whom I started liking so much and whose company I was finding so comfortable, turned out to be a secret undercover agent.

Just wonderful!

After I got to know that Dion is not marrying Bell but the talkative storywriter, the amount of relief I felt was unspeakable. It's not like I am deeply and blindly in love with Bell or it is not like she is the ray of my dark life; she is needed. Period!

Beggar guy was planning to surprise me in his new avatar and he said he also planned to whisk me away for a good drink but the plan escalated to totally another level when he found utter amusement in playing my boyfriend role.

The way Beggar guy laughed when were alone in the bar of my room was so embarrassing. I almost, almost punched him after he revealed his secret to me, but I just can't imagine him getting hurt by any reason. If by any chance someone tried to hurt him, then I will have to just castrate them slowly and painfully.

"Damon, I understand. But I did not see him in that way ever before." Bell answered to grandpa and turned towards her father asking for his help with pleading eyes. Her father just shrugged and ignored her pleas.

Woah, he is giving her the full right and responsibility to deal with this? So cool!

"Can I speak a word or two please?" The woman Bell's father is dating spoke gently. Her father raised an eyebrow at his lover and shrugged, giving her permission to spout out whatever she wishes to.

Bell's eyes suddenly gleamed with gratitude when she turned towards her soon to be stepmother. While the human cupid, Aunt Lana is silently entertained by the whole discussion, she did not speak anything till now but she did glanced at me mischievously one too many times.

"Mr. Coopers, can you please describe what do you feel for our Rainbow?" She asked politely and pressed her lips in anticipation of my answer.

I took a quick look around the whole room hesitantly whether it is right or not to speak about my feelings for Bell.

"Please tell us bluntly and honestly what you feel about her and for her." Olivia told me nodding her head.

I took a deep breath and looked at Bell and opened my mouth to reveal everything truthfully today. "What do I think about her? She is pretty. Not over the top gorgeous or ugly. She is a girl with average looks but is still good looking altogether. She has temper of a military officer and can yell like a sailor but her voice is not downright annoying. Her shouts are bearable and sometimes amusing too. She is a mature person? Sometimes definitely she acts matured than me but sometimes she is as clueless as a child. But what I got to know from these months together is she is faithful. She keeps promises even though it annoys her to no end. She can be easily irritated and sometimes shameless too. Oh, her speech disability is something still makes me want to dig my own grave." I rambled, looking into nothing and thinking what to say next.

I just said what I feel about her and I did not add any sugarcoating to it. I hate sugarcoating words and so does Bell.

I looked over to the others and all of them has the same blank expression except for Beggar guy who is trying to keep up the blank façade but is failing miserably as his mouth is wiggling to smile.

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