Chapter 14

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Keenan Point of View

I never learn!

For the first time in my life, I felt like an idiot. I felt like I am the most ignorant fool on this planet because apparently I have less learning cells in my damned body.

I knew Daiane is yet another kind of headache that I need to be careful with, but what did I do?

I still couldn't still come out of the trauma I had from my date with Daiane few nights ago. I continuously strained my unlimited smart brain to wonder how it is possible for Bell to find people with exactly limited common sense like her.

That Daiane girl literally used posh cutlery to eat my brain that night. Once she told me her amazing relationship with Bell, she started narrating me one of her famous stories much to my chagrin.

But then again, I am tagged as a fool these days so being an effing senseless Greek God for a moment, I cut her off her narration and asked her a doubt.

My doubt was a very simple one... Why in the living hell did hero's friend said heroine is like a sister to him when he came to know hero is in love with her. I mean, according to her story, hero's friend has very deep feelings for heroine but since hero is also loving the same girl, he gave up on her coolly which is understandable but my question is why should he go and treat the woman he once had feelings for as a sister?

Being a humble girl she is, Daiane did give some senseless answer to my question but that was when all the hell broke loose. She started narrating the damn one hour long story again from starting because I foolishly happen to cut her in the middle of her narration.

Those three hours were pure torture because the trouble avenger narrated the same story for four times that night and whose fault it was? Mine.

I cut her sentence off, I asked the doubt and I paid the price dearly. I was unable to come back to my usual state again for four freaking days and guess what, I had been talking to myself and whispering sweet nothing to myself like a freak.

"Good morning, Mr. Coopers." The team members bowed and greeted me when I entered the meeting room avoiding looking at Bell who was sitting in the head of the table.

After that night, I hardly spoke to Bell nor did I look at her. I was very furious at her for sending me into a death trap that night and if I really look at her, I would surely squeeze her neck and kill her for sure.

I hate you Bell.

"Well then let's start with Christopher's presentation." I announced and sat in my chair looking too serious and lethal.

"Not yet. I didn't hear your greetings, Indigo." Bell prompted expecting a good morning from me as she thinks she is above me.

Why the hell would I give my greetings to her?

When I did not reply, Bell raised an arrogant brow, "I'm still waiting," She voiced out. I looked around the meeting hall and noticed that everyone was silently watching the scene going on between us. Not wanting to draw anymore unnecessary attention I mumbled a short good morning to her and sat down in my chair.

Bell slimed gleefully and sat down herself gesturing the others to take their seats in a very polite way.

Why does she not behave politely with me?

"Good morning everyone," Christopher cleared his throat and started giving introduction of the meeting.

"Like we already know that our cosmetics division is booming at a high rate these days with the improved herbal products and variety of affordable price range we are offering, Rosina Beauties has come forth to have a partnership with us asking for variety of new beauty products that can be used in their spas and parlors around the world. They are looking for something more homely and nature-ly aromatic products which can take a major role in comforting the customers not only by the product itself but also relieve stress by the natural essence we use in it." He introduced, showcasing the presentation of Rosina spas and parlors pictures along with the products they use currently.

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