Chapter 4

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Taehyung POV

Scrolling through my phone while Jungkook soaks in the bath he ran himself, my mind continuously runs back to both the sight of him and the sight of Yoongi. I still can't get how pretty he looked just laying on the couch out of my head. It drives me insane how good someone can look just by simply laying on a couch. And he seems so kind and sweet and nice too. A great person to get to know a lot better.

I shake my head at myself though, knowing I need to get a grip. He Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung's friend, and I don't know how they'd feel about me wanting to date one of their friends that I've only briefly just met. I know there's no concerns over the fact that I'm one hundred percent gay, they both already know that part. I just don't know how they'd feel about me having feelings for one of their best friends.

Though, my attention gets dragged away when the bathroom door opens, meaning Jungkook finished with his bath. I'm completely taken aback though, when I watch him walk out in nothing more than his red towels that match the sultry red bedsheets his bed is covered in. The towel hangs lowly around his waist, muscular legs on display along with his extremely toned stomach. However, rather than noticing his abs and how built he really is, my gaze is attracted instantly to deep blue, black, and purple bruising on his stomach and sides, a little on his rib cage it would appear as well.

"Holy shit, Jungkook. What kind of fight did you get into?" I question in surprise, sitting upright at the sight. He looks over at me unamused, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"I'd rather not talk about it, Taehyung. I lucked out on Namjoon not paying any attention to me and Jin hyung not being around when I walked in so that I wouldn't have to talk about it with them. I don't want to talk about it with you either. No offense, you seem great and all, but I don't wanna go around bitching about my own problems and I hardly even know you." Jungkook responds firmly, flopping down on his bed with a huff.

I frown at this, surprised by how certain he is that he doesn't want to talk about. I also definitely wasn't expecting the whole fact that I hardly know him to be getting tossed back in my face either though, in all fairness.

"You know they only ask about that stuff because they care, Jungkook. The same reason why I'm asking. You don't seem like a terrible person that deserves to get beat up like this." I tell him softly, feeling just a little tentative as to how he's going to respond this time.

"You don't know me either, Taehyung. It was my problem and I handled it. Besides, it's not like it's anything life threatening. Okay? This kind of thing doesn't usually happen and I'll be fine anyways." Jungkook responds, sounding less agitated and more like he's trying to comfort me this time. I bite my lip, frowning a little as I lay back down on my stomach, resting my head on my folded arms as I look over at him. He gives me a small smile though, looking a little tired as he lays on his side whilst looking over at me, head resting on his arm that's propped up.

If it weren't for the fact that he's completely lacking clothes, he'd actually look quite comfy to snuggle. I groan quietly in annoyance with myself, hating how soft and needy for attention and cuddles I can get when I'm crushing on someone so badly. It's never as good as getting to spend time and cuddle the person you're thinking about, but it's much better than having to just sit or lay there and suffer alone.

"What's that all about?" Jungkook chuckles, the sound light and cute from his side of the room. I just shake my head at him, not needing him to know of my current situation.

"Nothing, I just remembered something. That's all." I lie with a small frown as I roll over onto my back, frowning up at the ceiling a bit. I spot Jungkook roll his eyes at me out of the corner of my eye though, seeming to not believe or not be satisfied with my answer. He ends up shrugging though, rolling backwards over and onto his stomach, laying his head down on his pillow despite his hair still being wet. I refrain from sighing at the sight, turning my head to look over at him with a small mixture of a frown and a pout, wishing he hadn't turned his head away from me when he laid down.

Scrunching my nose up in a bit of disappointment, I decide upon going back to my prior actions of scrolling my phone in hopes of getting rid of the thoughts and feelings.

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