Chapter 14

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Taehyung POV

I try hard not to focus on the younger boy that's just disappeared upstairs with Jimin as I finish eating. Instead, I try to keep my focus on the last little bit of food in my bowl and my hyung to my side. Though, when I finally finish my dinner, I glance over to Yoongi to find that he's only bothered to eat half.

"Are you feeling okay, hyung?" I question softly as I look over to Yoongi with a small frown, rubbing his back gently. He simply shrugs though, not really answering either way.

"I'm done."

Is all I get instead. Sighing softly, I simply nod my head, glancing around the table to find that everyone else is just finishing up as well. So, I shrug it off, standing up and taking both our bowls over to the sink before turning back to Yoongi. He's got a small pout on his lips as he looks over to me, seemingly wondering if he's still allowed up with me. I simply smile at him, motioning with my head for him to join me, and watch as he nods and stands himself. He walks straight over to me, and I can feel my brothers eyes on my back as I place my hand on the small of his back to lead him out of the kitchen.

Neither of us say a word as we go upstairs, Yoongi simply following my lead as I bring him back to my room where we'd been before dinner. Though, opening up the door to my bedroom, I can't help but hope to find Jungkook curled up in his own bed. Sadly, I'm not too surprised when he's not there though, my heart sinking in my chest just a little bit as I bring Yoongi over to my bed once more.

Without a word, the two of us climb into my bed, cuddling up together almost immediately. Within seconds, our legs are tangled together with Yoongi's head rested on my chest, arm latched over my stomach as he curls up against me. I smile down at him, wishing he weren't in so much pain as I lean down and kiss the top of his head. This causes him to lift his head up though, looking up at me once more. I simply smile though, brushing my fingers through his hair gently. He sighs softly at this, nuzzling himself up into my touch a bit more, eyes fluttering shut for just a moment before opening them again to look up at me.

Before I know it though, I find our lips connecting once more. It's similar to the first one, slow and full of emotion and completely addicting. It's such a great feeling of being able to just lay here and kiss him, ignoring the voice of my brother in my head telling me how wrong this all is. But, if it were so wrong, then why does Yoongi seem so okay with it?

I smile into the kiss just a little at this, giving way when Yoongi runs his tongue along my bottom lip in request for access. I happily let him in, the feeling nearly mind numbing it's so good as his tongue roams my mouth, not bothering to fight for dominance tonight. There's no need or hunger for the kiss, just soft and gentle, and it's such a great thing. Knowing and not having to worry about this really going anywhere too far or anything of the sort. Just being able to enjoy the kiss.

Though, we pull away eventually, both of us needing proper breaths as I smile up at him. He gives me a small shy smile in return, letting me lean up and peck his lips once more before laying his head down on my chest. I don't bother saying anything or asking how he's feeling, knowing he probably really isn't much in the mood for talking tonight after what happened with him and Jimin. So, instead I simply run my fingers through his hair with one hand and rub his back lightly with my other, staring up at the ceiling as thoughts of Jungkook from earlier begin to run through my head.

I really am still surprised by how upset he'd been at dinner tonight. I have no idea what happened, but it worries me just a little. He seemed just fine yesterday, and now today he's arguing not to eat and looking like a complete mess. Looking as if he's just lost the love of his life or something. It just... None of it makes sense. I don't understand what the hell could've happened...

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