Chapter 49

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"So, how was it, princesa?" Ryan asks as we walk out of the cinema hall, "It was... awesome..." I sigh out through gritted teeth.

He kisses my forehead, "That's why you were holding my arm so tight? Or, why you were closing your eyes every time the shark parts would come up?" He asks suspiciously.

I gulp nodding my head in fear, as we walk outside, "Where are we going now?" I ask looking up at him, "To dinner. I planned something more romantic." He smirks, "More romantic than yesterday it can't be, but if it's food, than it's good. I need to eat after what I just saw." He starts laughing at me, making me groan in annoyance, "Yeah, yeah, so funny I'm dying."

He finishes laughing and smiles softly at me, "I can't wait the next shark movie to come up."

"No! I better die than go to another shark movie!" I scream getting him to laugh again, "Oh, so you think it's funny? Then you won't mind taking me to the upcoming Marvel movies. Plus DC." He stops looking shocked at me, "What? I love them. Mostly Thor, so, we're going." I cross my arms, stopping in front of the car, "Thor? Do you love him more than you love me?" He pouts his lower lip, as I roll my eyes, "No. But he's not far."

He chuckles, before he leans in, kissing me softly.

"I love you, princesa..."

"I love you more, you arrogant ass." He scoffs, "You're insulting me because of the movie, aren't you?"

"I had no idea." I state sarcastically, as he kisses me again, and again, and again, giving me a shower of kisses. God, he knows how to cheer me up.

"C'mon or we'll be late."


"What can I serve you with?" The waitress asks smiling flirtatiously at Ryan, as I just roll my eyes, "Yeah, I'd like the... bucket menu. It sounds interesting. And a cucumber limonade." I smile looking up at her.

Her eyes didn't even left Ryan's face, as he is concentrated on his menu, "I'd like two carp, and a glass of wine please." She nods writing it down. As she takes the menus, she brushes her fingers across his hand, trying to look accidental.

She probably expected him to look at her, but his eyes were on me all this time. A sheepish smile covers my face, as I feel his hand take mine. The waitress leaves without saying a thing, and I smile at him.

"You just ordered fish to remember me of the movie?" I ask raising a brow. He gasps fakily shocked, "What? I could never!" We both start laughing at his failed attempt to hide it, and he starts massaging my hand.

"You look better in white than every other color." He states, making a blush creep up my cheeks, "And it makes your blush even more visible." He adds.

"What would you like to do after we eat?" He asks making me think for a bit, "I'm not sure. I know for sure I want dessert, and that dessert better contain ice cream. Wait..." A wide smirk appears on my face, "I just had an idea." He looks curiously at me, "Sorry, this is my surprise, so deal with it."

"What would I do without you, princesa?" He asks as I shrug, "Probably hate people even more."


The waitress comes with our plates, making sure she touches Ryan's shoulder before she walks away. Ryan looks confused at her, before he shrugs nonchalantly.

As he wasn't even paying attention to her, I was literally dreaming of the bitch's death as my blood was boiling! She sees he's on a bloody date! She sees the girl in front of him! She sees he doesn't even pay attention to her! Yet, she flirts like the bitch he is.

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