The Band Member~Or Not the band member and the Emo

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A.N Hey I am so, so sorry I haven't Updated in a while! I have been super busy... I hope you guys enjoy it and I swear on skittles that I will write more!! K love ya enjoy...

Skylar's P.O.V

I walked out of school towards my truck blasting Last Night by Good Charlotte from my headphones. I unlocked my truck and put all my stuff in when I noticed a note on the front seat. I picked it up and opened it... it said

"I hope your day was amazing! I love you and you are beautiful! <3 ~your admirer" I smiled and put the note on my dash board. I took out my headphones and connected my phone to my car and started blsting Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless. I sang along and tapped the beat on my steering wheel...My phone started playing Oath by Cher Loyd

"Hey I will be home in like 5 minutes K?" I said to to my best friend Hannah (btw we live together)

" Spaghetti good for dinner? I have everything to make it?" She asked

"Yeah thats great k i'm here bye" I said

"K bye!" she said

I got out of the car and walked inside and got changed into yoga pants and a tank top. I walked into the kitchen and saw a pot with already cooked spaghetti in it. Ugh!! Hannah must have a ton of homework. Okay let me explain...I am in Junior year and 17. Yeah I know I am young to live without my parents but they died 2 years ago. Hannah is 19 and in college...we decided to live together beacuese all my reletives are jackasses and her she is leagally a adult. We have our own apartment that is actually very nice! She normally has some homework but some nights she has a ton. So...I walked to the living room and finished my History essay while watching Walking Dead. I felt the couch dip and I knew Hannah was finally done with her work.

"Hey how was your day?" I said passing her some skittles

"It was good! Mr. Mosby (Yay if you got that) was so boring in Architecture today! All he did was lecture about some of the old buildings in New York." She said dramatically popping a skittle in her mouth.

"That sounds so horrible! At least he didn't spit" I said... "Oh hey I found this note on the front seat of my car!" I said handing it ot her

"Oh My Gosh!!!! YAY!!!! My little Sky got a love note! Wait....why didn't he put his name?" She said squinting at the paper

"I have no idea....maybe its a joke!" I said taking the note and putting in my bag

"It probably isn't I mean highschoolers are more mature than that...right?" she asked putting a green and a purple skittle in her mouth

"I would think so! Okay I am super tired see ya in the morning...Night" I said walking to my room with my bag.

I showered and shaved and got in bed and immediatley my eyes closed and I was off in another dream. I woke up an yawned I put on black leather skirt, combat boots, a motorcycle t-shirt, and my leather jacket. I walked out grabbing a pancakes and hugged Hannah goodbye. I Walked out and got into my truck and turned on the radio...

"Nooo!! Why this song!" I groaned and accidently dropped my pencil bag scattering pencils all over the cement. I put my bag in the car and bent down picking up the pencils...crap this skirt! I heard a car stop and a whistle.

"Hey! How you doin?" I heard a deep voice asked

I turned around and saw a good looking guy smirking at me and staring at my butt. 

"Cameron get back in the van we need to get to the school to get ready for the perfor.....mence!" A completley gorgeous guy said as he walked down the steps in a t-shirt that showed his abs and black low rise jeans and vans. He smiled at me and walked over and picked the rest of my pencils up, I blushed and took back my pencils...

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