Chapter 24

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*This story is totally what I made up so... Everyone has their own version of how the race of Vampires started, and mine was totally created out of my crazy imagination*(Just FYI)

#Keep on smilin' until it's over
Hold it even though it kills you slowly#

Beth's POV

'So what kind of info do you want to dig out of me, huh?' Kevy sighed lazily and sat on the floor, with his back against the edge of my bed.

'Why do you look so excited?' I asked with a cup of coffee in my hands, trying to keep my lips from curving into a smile.

Why does he look so adorable?

Right now is serious, no more joking.

'No, I'm just wondering what you're about to say.' He said with a smirk. His face isn't dark and scary like the first time I met him. He looked happier.

Maybe because Katerina came back?

Stop flattering yourself Elizabeth!

I am seriously starting to talk to myself?

'Earth to Miss. Ringer!' Kevyn said waving his hand in front of my face. 'Talkin' to yourself again?'

'How did you...'

'I know a lot of things about you, you know?'

'No, I don't... So that's why you are in my room right now, so listen! Okay?' I said quickly in one breath and took a deep breath again. 'Ok... So, how did Vampires start?'

'Um... Well, it's not a pretty story...'

'Come on.'

'So... Do you know the story about Noah's flood?'

I nodded.

'So when the sons of God came down to earth and married the daughters of men. Of course, they had babies, right?'


'Anyway,, according to all the history books I've read up to now, there was a lot of crazy creatures around at that time. The strongest 2 kinds, were Vampires and Werewolves. Another thing is, they never get along.'

Jayden's face flashed inside my head. Aunt Arora and Uncle Dan... Is that why they hate me? Cause I'm the mate of a Vampire?

'Most creatures died during the flood but, only the Vampires and the werewolves survived. The werewolves acted like wild wolves and hid in the woods, while us Vampires kept to ourselves and survived on animal blood.'


'Yah, but one day... Everything changed. One day, the king of the Vampires at that time disappeared.
They searched everywhere, but couldn't find him anywhere... A few days later, he came back. He looked different. He was stronger and moved way faster than before. But the biggest change is that he discovered his true power.'

Kevyn suddenly stopped talking.

'What is it?'

'The power over death itself.' Kevyn said and looked at me straight in the eyes.


'Yes. Being immortal.'

'I see.' I answered dryly.

After a while of silence, he added.

'But there are consequences.'




'Yes. Back then no one tasted human blood before, and some became extremely addicted to it. Actually, not some, everyone. The king set a rule that still exists now.' Kevyn took a breath and said, 'We shall, and must never kill a human.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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