chapter #15: the dancer guy

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Cyrus felt infuriatingly restless over the next week, looking out the window during class, not being able to keep his mind focused on one thing. Well. Unless that thing happened to be TJ Kippen. His brain had no problem with making his thoughts wander almost constantly to him.

He hadn't exchanged a single text with TJ in a few days now, and he was terrified that he had been caught in all of his lies somehow. That TJ had found out about all the things Cyrus was keeping from him. The thought made him feel sick to the stomach whenever it appeared in his head, which was why he so desperately tried to distract himself with schoolwork and baking and anything that didn't involve green eyes and bright smiles and - yeah. He wasn't exactly having an easy time. He was well aware that the normal way to go about a situation like this would've been to just reach out and ask TJ if things were okay between them, but the thought just stressed Cyrus out. Doing so would only mean that if TJ wasn't already aware that Cyrus was hiding things from him, he definitely would be.

Despite not having the nerve to initiate a text conversation with TJ, Cyrus made sure to message Marty was much as he could. He really did mean it when he said he'd never randomly start ignoring him just because of things that were going on between him and TJ. Marty eventually suggested that they catch up on Saturday and Cyrus had agreed instantly, which was why he was currently pacing anxiously back and forth in his room.

He had told Marty that there were things he wanted to tell him, and sure - there were, but should he? Would it be unfair to tell Marty everything that had been going on and expect him to keep it a secret from TJ, who he had known for a much more significant amount of time?

Cyrus let out a heavy sigh and stopped pacing for a moment to stare down his reflection. He ruffled his hair slightly, not finding it within himself to care when it'd just be messed up by the wind outside anyway. He looked somewhat like a mess all round, wearing the jeans and cropped sweater he had thrown on earlier (he may or may not have stolen the cropped sweater from Buffy.)

A glance down at his phone confirmed that if he didn't leave soon he'd be late, so he slipped on a pair of shoes and begrudgingly traipsed out of his room.

"Dad, I'm going to see Marty now!" he called as he approached the front door.

"Who's Marty again?" came the muffled response.

"The dancer guy!"

He heard soft laughter after that, followed by an "okay! Let me know when you plan on heading back!"

Cyrus nodded, realising only after he had stepped outside that his dad couldn't see him.

Damn. He really was out of it.

As he walked, fighting against the harsh wind with every step, his thoughts returned to Marty. He had been nothing but kind and supportive toward Cyrus despite his active attempt to push him away. Surely that had to count for something, right?

Cyrus was still conflicted as he approached the cafe, hesitantly pushing his way through the glass doors and wincing slightly when the bell above him chimed, alerting everyone inside to his presence. He glanced about nervously, spotting Marty almost immediately on the blue couch where he and TJ had sat down for iced coffee that rainy afternoon.

Marty looked up as he approached, and the warm smile that came to his lips had Cyrus making up his mind in an instant. He had to tell him. He knew TJ better than anyone else after all - surely he had to have an idea of what Cyrus could do.

Finally coming to a decision had Cyrus relaxing slightly as he sat down, returning the boy's smile.


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