Saikou Park

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I placed down my SaikouStation 4 console and reached for my phone, which was sitting on the table.
I wondered who it was.

Info-kun: Darling, it's about time you paid me back~

Oh, Info-kun, I should've expected him.

Ayano: It's really late right now, I'll pay you back tomorrow.

Info-kun: You own me a total of 5 panty shots.

Ayano: Only 5?

Info-kun: Emetic poison costs 10 panty shots, and Info-chan has already informed me that she owns you 5 panty shots.

I scanned through photos, there!
I hope a picture of Osana's panties will do.
I send the picture to him.

Info-kun: Sorry darling, but I can't accept a panty shot of someone who's already dead.
It won't sell well.

Crap, I scrolled down further through my photo collection, there must be something I can send him.
Buried deep was a familiar picture, Musume Ronshaku's panties. I was pretty sure that I had sent that to Info-chan long ago.
Pretty sure.
I sent it to Info-kun, hoping he'd except it, it was a while before he replied.

Info-kun: Thanks, darling! This will do.

Phew, now I'm no longer in his debt. I switched my SaikouStation 4 back on, it was the weekend, with no Osana in my way, I could afford to play on the console all night long if I really wanted to...

In the morning.
A loud knock was what woke me up. I forced my eyes open, the first thing I saw was the tangle of blankets on me, I got up and rubbed my eyes.
Time for school.
I took a glare at my alarm clock, 8:35 it read.
I bolted up, I'd be late at this rate! Running to the closet, my foot suddenly caught on something. I slipped, slamming my head against the closet.
I had tripped over the console, that's right... it was the weekend!
"Are you okay!? That was quite a loud bang!" Came a voice at the door, it was too muffled to make out who it was.
I rubbed my head, ow, that really hurt.

I went to answer the door, who could it be? I never got any guests.
The moment the door opened, I was scooped into an one arm hug, I saw a blur of orange, and recognised the person immediately.
How did he know where I lived?
His arm was rapped around my waist again, i felt the warmth of it, my face was buried in his shoulder, the sent of fresh fruit whiffed round my nose, it was a sweet smell, enough to make me blush.
Why was he hugging me?
"O-Osano! Why are you here? Most importantly, how do know where I live?" I asked. Did I just stumble, that's a first.

"I live just down the street," he said pointing the to house at the far end of the road. "But never mind that! Look what I've got!" He was as excited as a kitten with a ball of string.
In his hand were 2 golden tickets.
I couldn't read it as he was shaking it so much.
When he handed it to me I could finally read the large word printed in silver on the top.

Saikou Park
It read.

Saikou Park?
I blinked.
"Saikou Park?"
"Yes! It's the biggest amusement park in the whole of Japan."
Woah, I heard those tickets were hard to get, but why is he showing me them?
He seemed to read my mind. "I brought these tickets the other day, and I was wondering if you wanted to come along with me?"
What!? Did I hear him correctly?
Me? Go with him?
"It's fine Baka if you don't want to go! It's not like there isn't someone else I could go with!" He said, flustered.
Someone else?
Those words stirred something up inside of me.
"O-Of cause, I'll come along!" I say.
"Really!" He exclaimed, excitement reflecting off of his eyes,
I nodded, first the bento and now this? What was he playing at?
"You better get changed," -he looked at my pjs- "We're leaving today."

Sorry this chapter came out a bit late, but it's longer than normal.
Also I couldn't think of a proper name for the park. But I think Saikou Park fits quite well.

Anyways thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, like always and I hoped you enjoyed!

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