Eliminating Osana

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I feel the emetic poison pressing against my leg from my skirt pocket.
The bell rings.
I bolted up out of my seat and ran for the school rooftops, I was the first one to get there.
I stood against the wall, pulling out my phone. Osano was the next one to appear, he stood against a wall near mine, crossing his arms and looking my way.
Osana showed up almost immediately after Osano. She held two bento boxes. And sat at her usual bench. When Senpai showed up, Osana got up and ran up to him. I glared at them angrily for a few seconds before running up to Osana's bento.
Luckily, she had taken the lid off as she was about to eat it. I hovered my hand over the emetic poison, I looked around to make sure that no one was watching,
My eyes met Osano's, he was staring straight at me still. I forced a small confused smile.
He quickly turned his head away, but a few seconds later he looked back, saw me , turned away again and left, appearing thoroughly embarrassed.
That guy's behaviour is straight up weird.
I tipped the whole bottle of emetic poison into the bento, smirking as I think about Osana's face when she takes a bite.
I back away from the food pretending like I was busy on my phone, I had received a text from Info-kun.

Info-kun: So, about the payment...

I ignored his text, I will pay him back later, after all, I have loads of panty shots saved on my phone.
Osana swallowed the first mouthful, the scooped up another and continued eating, nothing happened.
No, it couldn't be, had Info-Kun scammed me?
"Ah, be patient sweetheart. The poison is taking its effect," it was a man's voice, I felt my face go red. Info-kun.
I whipped my head around, there was no one there.
"Sorry Senpai, excuse me for a second."
Osana was running off.
I tailed after her.
She made it to the bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet. What was in that poison? Nevertheless, it was my turn to shine, I crept forwards. One hand grabbing her ugly ponytails and the other shoving her head into the toilet.
Oh boy did she struggle, fighting like a bear for the last scoop of honey.
But soon her body went swift and simple as that, she was dead.

I had to write this again as it didn't save, but either way, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading.
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